Attaining The Strength To Recover
To recover is to get back, to regain normal health, self-confidence, or position.
To make up for lost time; to reclaim.
As we approach the new year, this should be our focus...
Strength and Total Recovery! Okay, so where do you start? You start by having the right frame of mind in all that you do.
Take the time to identify the areas in your life in which recovery is needed.
Whether it is spiritual recovery, mental recovery, or physical recovery, now is not the time to be distracted.
Now is the time to hold your ground and reclaim what is rightfully yours.
If there are areas in your life that you wish to change, you posses the power to do so.
You are not planted like a tree, you can change directions.
You can go into the new year with confidence! You possess the personal power to fill yourself with courage and strength to defeat every fear of lack and limitation.
You are a more than a conqueror! This power was given to you by Christ and if you use it,nothing can stand in your way.
This is not always an easy task, but it MUST be done.
God does not desire that anything would have us in bondage.
Nor did He give us the spirit of fear.
But rather, he gave us the power and authority to overcome every obstacle in our way.
We are where we are in life by our own actions.
Ask yourself: "What are some things that I could do different that would strengthen me? What are some areas in my life that need a total recovery?" Once these things have been identified, you must do whatever it takes to attain the strength to walk in total victory.
Positive thinking, speaking, and actions is needed if we are to have, do, or be what we were always meant to be! Romans 8:15-16 (KJV): For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Ab'ba Father.
The spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.
To make up for lost time; to reclaim.
As we approach the new year, this should be our focus...
Strength and Total Recovery! Okay, so where do you start? You start by having the right frame of mind in all that you do.
Take the time to identify the areas in your life in which recovery is needed.
Whether it is spiritual recovery, mental recovery, or physical recovery, now is not the time to be distracted.
Now is the time to hold your ground and reclaim what is rightfully yours.
If there are areas in your life that you wish to change, you posses the power to do so.
You are not planted like a tree, you can change directions.
You can go into the new year with confidence! You possess the personal power to fill yourself with courage and strength to defeat every fear of lack and limitation.
You are a more than a conqueror! This power was given to you by Christ and if you use it,nothing can stand in your way.
Nothing can hinder things from the man who knows that he is dealing with the same Power that creates all from itself, moves all within itself, and yet holds all things in their places.As I stated earlier, the right mentality and the right attitude is necessary if we are to attain the strength to have the things we desire.
(Earnest Holmes)
This is not always an easy task, but it MUST be done.
God does not desire that anything would have us in bondage.
Nor did He give us the spirit of fear.
But rather, he gave us the power and authority to overcome every obstacle in our way.
We are where we are in life by our own actions.
Ask yourself: "What are some things that I could do different that would strengthen me? What are some areas in my life that need a total recovery?" Once these things have been identified, you must do whatever it takes to attain the strength to walk in total victory.
Positive thinking, speaking, and actions is needed if we are to have, do, or be what we were always meant to be! Romans 8:15-16 (KJV): For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Ab'ba Father.
The spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.