What Are 10 Uses for an Empty Cereal Box?
- Reduce waste by reusing empty cereal boxes.recycle symbol image by feisty from Fotolia.com
Don't throw away your empty cereal boxes. With some simple supplies, you can turn cereal boxes into anything from stationery to toys and games. Cereal box projects are easy and creative outlets for kids and grownups too. - Cut out rectangles from your empty cereal boxes. Write words, numbers or simple sums on them with a large marker. Use them as flash cards to help your kids learn to read and add up.
- Cut a large circle out of a cereal packet. Paint a clock face. Cut a minute hand and an hour hand from the sides of the box, then fasten them through the middle of the clock face with a paper-fastener. Use this to help kids learn to tell time.
- Cut up a cereal box then cut shapes out of the pieces. These make good stencils.
- Cut shapes from cereal boxes. Paint with acrylics, or cover with contact paper. Hang on strings tied to small sticks or coat hangers for a pretty mobile.
- Use an empty cereal box and scrap paper to make a recycled notebook or planner. Cut the scrap paper to size. Make the cover out of a piece of cereal box. Cut the cover twice as large as your pages plus a little extra, and cover with paper or plastic to protect it. Sew the pages together, then glue inside the cereal box cover.
- Cut long rectangular strips from empty cereal boxes. Decorate by hand or cover with contact paper. Punch a hole in one end for a decorative tassel.
- Cut out mask shapes from cereal boxes. Cut holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. Punch two holes on either side and thread string or elastic through them. Decorate with paint, colored paper, glitter, feathers or stick-on jewels.
- Arty and creative people can make cereal boxes into uniquely memorable business cards. Print, stamp or stencil your contact details onto cards cut from a cereal box.
- Cut the top half off the box. Cut a rectangle out of one side, leaving an inch or two all the way around so that the box doesn't fall apart. Paint the box with poster paint. Make theater curtains out of crepe paper gathered in the middle with a twist-tie, and glue these on either side of the "stage." Hold the stage with one hand, and operate the finger puppets inside with the other.
- Cut the cereal box along a diagonal, leaving one short side and one long side. Cover with contact paper, making sure to fold a border of paper over the top to protect the edges. Use it to store magazines, newspapers, mail and other items.