6 Tips to Generate Club Head Speed
A common question among these amateur golfers is 'how to generate club head speed'.
They're looking for tips and principles that they can apply without drastically changing the feel of their swing.
Let's look at some of these tips that you can incorporate into your swing with some practice:
- Loosen your grip.
This applies to those who tend to grip their clubs too tightly, and especially to those who slice the ball.
First you should rotate both of your hands clockwise around your grip, turning your right palm out.
Second you should grip the club in the base of your fingers, not your palms.
Both of these things will encourage the club face to square up earlier which gives you more energy to generate club head speed and swing through the ball instead of trying to square the face up just before impact. - Stand with feet a little wider than shoulder width apart.
If your stance is too narrow you won't have a stable foundation and will waste energy keeping your balance throughout the swing.
If your stance is too wide it will not be conducive to a proper weight shift which is necessary to generate club head speed. - Straighten your back by sticking your butt out.
Despite it being classic advice, many golfers could stand to stick their butts out a little more.
The point here is to bend from the waist at the approach rather than from the spine.
A straight back allows for proper rotation which is essential to a good swing. - Keep your hips stable during the back swing.
Don't rotate your hips back with your torso.
If you have to rotate a little, do as little as possible.
The resistance that is created from the hips not rotating is what creates the torque that will power your swing and generate club head speed.
Another tip is to try to prevent your left knee from breaking inwards at all during your backswing.
This ensures stable hips and builds up tremendous torque.
You still have to be able to rotate your shoulders back far enough for this to be effective. - Straighten your right arm.
When you begin the downswing, you should focus on straightening your right arm early.
This provides a nice wide arc that will result in a good generation of club head speed. - Practice timing with your best club.
Timing is a huge part of a good golf swing and essential if you want to generate club head speed.
A common misconception is that to improve bad timing on a club requires hours of practice with that club.
Instead try taking your best club and hitting it over and over and over again.
This will help to solidify your timing for all your clubs and build up your confidence at the same time.
You might be surprised afterward when you pick up that club you had been struggling with.
Examine your swing and see if you can find some gaps where you are not doing everything you could be to generate club head speed.
Fill those gaps with better technique and practice.
Good Luck!