Bath Hardware - The More Metal the Better
If this is you, don't fret.
Instead, look at this as an opportunity.
It's an opportunity to really make changes that you're going to love in the bathroom.
Some of these changes are very simple to make and don't cost a lot of money.
Start by noticing what is still working in your bath.
Not everything has to be replaced does it? No, most likely, a lot of the things you already have in the bathroom are in good enough condition to keep; they just need a little bit of work.
The most common thing that people complain about when it comes to their bathroom decor is the cabinetry.
Over time, they start to look their age.
There are a couple of reasons for this.
First consider how many times a day someone has his or her hands on that bath hardware.
It's always getting a workout.
No wonder it starts to look worn after not too long.
The cabinet surfaces don't get it any better.
Hands are always running around on them, especially the little ones.
So, what do you do to fix it up? Well, instead of ripping all of the cabinets out, you may be amazed at exactly how far you can get with a little paint or finish and some new bath hardware.
Start with the re-finishing projects.
Whether it's painting or staining make sure to go through the process properly.
Some people get a little too excited about the process and don't give the various levels of paint and finish enough time to set or dry.
Don't be one who makes this mistake.
Have some patience when doing this part of the project.
Let everything completely dry before moving on.
Once you have your stain or finish in place, you can get to work on the next part of this project - the hardware.
Before you take out some teeny little knobs or pulls for your bathroom, remember this is your chance to really do it up.
You should enjoy the process this time around.
There is no limit to the kinds of bath hardware you can choose.
So, get out there and have some fun shopping around.
One thing you may want to consider while you're shopping is the fact that this year metal is in when it comes to home fashions.
That means if you choose big pieces that really show off the metallic side of your bathroom, you're going to be on the cutting edge of furniture fashion for 2010.
Also, generally, it's much easier to keep metal cabinet hardware clean.
Usually all you have to do is wipe them down with an all-purpose cleaner and they will look just like new once again.