Will There Ever Be a Solution to America"s Healthcare Problem?
Still, many other are suggesting imposing price control policies and strict budgets.
You might also have seen those healthcare pundits on the TV shows telling all Americans to eat healthy and asking for all fast food outlets to offer SUBWAY style menus.
How Sensible? Anyway! People from all walks of life have offered a solution but it seems that Uncle Sam still cannot figure out how to cope with the issue? It appears that consumers and wage workers will continue to suffer due to the inaction of the Congress.
Yes! Worker health insurance is now becoming a grave issue.
Researchers from Harvard University recently conducted a milestone study to raise concern over the employ healthcare in workplace.
Their investigation into the phenomenon highlighted that nearly 70 percent of the companies that filed for bankruptcy had a health insurance plan which was around an average of $12000 per employer.
The February 2005 report concluded that nearly half of the companies filed for bankruptcy due to the healthcare costs.
Did you know that every 30 seconds in USA, someone goes bankrupt because of a series health problem and the related expanses that they were unable to pay? Talking about the low income population, half of US households paid accrued debt and faced financial crisis due to medical bills cited a study conducted by Commonwealth Fund.
Such is the burden on low income and low middle income families that even one serious medical problem can affect the financial stability of an entire family.
People in US now believe that housing problems, late mortgage and bad credit rating are a result of the high medical costs incurred by the family.