From WiMax to Satellite Internet - The New World of Online Options
And while ethernet was a definite step forward from dial-up, it still had its shortcomings.
For one, you were only able to go as far away as your computer could reach with the cord.
And for another, ethernet service simply still isn't available everywhere yet.
For a lot of people who live in parts of the country where the local cable service doesn't provide a connection, the only way to get online is to deal with all of the hassle of trying to navigate today's internet using yesterday's tools.
But the good news is that finally there is something better for all of those living where WiMax and T1 can't seem to reach.
Now, satellite internet is available for consumers all over the United States.
Because of this step in coverage, it is now possible to get online literally from anywhere, and that is a huge step in the fair direction in terms of everyone having the same options towards coverage.
Satellite uses the same exact technology that is bringing hundreds of channels to people's television sets across the country, so there's no need to fret about whether or not the technology will manage to work out nicely for your particular internet and online needs.
The new world of internet options stresses the ability to get online from just about anywhere, and while satellite is not the same as WiMax or wireless, it does offer the chance to get online literally from nowhere, but it is a lot easier to connect than with dial-up.
Because satellite has been around for awhile, a lot of problems and bugs have been worked out that might not have been addressed with things like Wi-Fi.
For instance, companies and corporations have been using satellite internet to make it possible to complete business transactions and stay connected from internationally remote spots around the country.
Before rolling the technology out to regular consumers, it underwent a lot of testing and perfecting, making sure that the signal would be able to reach to just about anywhere.
Because of this, you can rest assured that you can get online from anywhere, though once online, you're going to have to leave your computer plugged into a specific cord.
But that won't even matter, since it will feel more like freedom to finally actually be able to surf the internet at the speed it is meant to experienced.
From streaming video to loading radio from worlds away, getting online is a whole lot easier if you are finally able to do it via one of the more cutting-edge forms of technology.
So the next time you're thinking about how to better enjoy the internet and feeling a bit dejected that things like WiMax and Wi-Fi don't apply to where you live, just remember that satellite internet offers the exact same speed, just in a different package.