Love Is The Solution To All Problems
All problems in life should be dealt with pure love.
It is the only way to reach our goals.
Love gives us courage and strength to face the life's situations.
At any circumstance we should never compromise with our self love.
Love is light and it shows us direction to move courageously on the path of life.
Love gives on our face lot of smiles.
Moving with pure love all the time we remain afresh and alive.
Love invigorates our brain,body and mind.
We get clarity of mind in a better manner loving the things and beings.
Moving with pure love we come closer to divinity.
In any situation we never feel perturbed and always remain contented and happy.
Love emerges from love only and loving ourselves we will never bow down to the pressures both from inside and outside.
Getting full command over all the situations we should feel young,vibrant and dynamic.
Taking perfect decisions we should serve our family,organization and society.
Life demands love and smiles and we should never compromise with those at any situation of life.
So far as my knowledge goes love is the best friend,philosopher and guide.
Loving ourselves in a better manner all the time we can remain afresh and alive.
Every day we should love ourselves more and try to fulfill our hopes and dreams.
Love enlivens our dormant energies and we give our best to the family,organization and society.
Loving ourselves and others we should make our present and future vibrant and dynamic.
We should invite love all the time to visit our brain,body and mind.
We should think of love and love should penetrate in to each cell of our body.
Love keeps us afresh and living in love we experience serenity and tranquility.
All the positive vibrations of the universe thrill us and we forget our negatives.
Working with love and serving the customers with love we become energized.
Pure love will remove all our worries,anxieties,tension,tiredness and grief.
Feeling ourselves to be the loving children of the Lord,with courage and confidence we should fight the battle of life.
During the entire journey period of life we should explore pure love in things and beings.
Realizing the infinite source of pure love inside ourselves we will happily overcome all the adverse winds.
Love will manufacture joy and happiness in our daily lives.
Loving the love of the things and beings we will be able to serve in a better manner our family,organization and society.
Moving inside of ourselves daily we will discover many hidden treasures of life.
Love will remove all our loneliness and will always merge us in joy and happiness.
It is the best companion which guides us till our last breath.
We should never forget this God given companion and try to get its full essence.
In each bit of our thoughts,words and deeds love should be manifested to the full extent.
Under the stars filled sky and the full moon we should imbibe the universal brightness.
Introspecting all the life situations we should rectify ourselves.
We should vibrate loving the universe and the things and beings of the day.
Discovering pure love within us we should follow the Lord's way.
We should dream only pure love in the night's silence.
Moving with it we should try to make our lives full of universal essence.
We should be able to see the attractions between the stars,moon,sun and other things of the entire sky.
Moving between the stars and landing on the moon we should feel all joy and happiness.
Loving the love we should wake up in the dawn alive and afresh.
With pure love in our brain,body and mind we should work with zeal and zest.
Love will solve all our problems and we will never succumb to the worldly unrest.
Fulfilling our hopes and dreams we will lead a life of divine joy and happiness.