Autumn, the movie season
This year, too, in spite of the crisis of film industry and the cuts to the showbiz and to culture in general decided by the Italian government, the arrival of autumn has brought some very interesting film releases, also as far as Italian movies is concerned. In the last few months some longed-for Italian movies have come out, from "The Solitude of Prime Numbers" to "Benvenuti al Sud". The first movie, which was presented during the Venice International Film Festival, an event that takes place at the end of summer and that hosts many movies which are going to reach the movie theatres, was very longed-for as it is taken from one of the best-known and most appreciated movies of the last few years, the first work of young physicist Paolo Giordano that has long topped the sales charts and managed to win the Strega Prize, one of the most prestigious Italian literary awards. No wonder if the homonymous movie directed by Saverio Costanzo was long-awaited by both the critics and the millions of readers that have loved the book and familiarized with Alice and Mattia, the two main characters of the story that in the movie are interpreted by Alba Rohrwacher and Luca Marinelli.
Also "Benvenuti al Sud" is taken from another work, but in this case it is not the transposition of a book, but the remake of an amazingly successful French movie, "Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis", which did very well at the French box office describing the prejudices and differences between the North and the South of France with the typical comedy features. And this was a sort of inspiration for the Italian film industry, which could make hundreds of movies describing the "fights" between North and South, as has already happened many times (like in the movie "Totò, Peppino e... la malafemmina"). The Italian version of the movie, shot by Luca Miniero and starring Claudio Bisio, tells the story of a man from the North who is obliged to move to a village in the province of Naples. The success of the movie, along with the great deal of ideas that a subject like this gives, has convinced producers to realize another movie with reversed roles: the friend, coming from the South, of the character played by Claudio Bisio will be obliged to move to the North.
Also the international film industry has proposed many interesting movies in the last few months: from "Inception" with Leonardo di Caprio to the sequel of "Wall Street" by Oliver Stone, 23 years after the first movie, Hollywood is showing the aces it has up its sleeve. And these are only the first movies of the season: until Christmas, another fertile period as far as film releases is concerned, we will have the chance to see many interesting movies.