Managing Mud Throwing
Mud throwing has become a practice in the societies,organizations and countries.
AÂ person might be utmost sincere in his work but he should not forget that somebody may throw mud on him.
Managing self and others in a dynamic manner one should caution the mud throwers and make the office atmosphere full of peace.
He should not be perturbed by the throwing of mud and should courageously walk on the path of life.
He should not be angry and irritated and mantain his inner energies to carry forward his life boat in the turbulent sea.
In this world of chaos and conflicts mud throwing is markedly enhanced between the countries.
With out admiting their own faults the countries are throwing mud on the other countries to remain clean.
Wars and devastations are caused and conflicts take a dangerous form affecting the globe.
Taking the example of an office where few workers are working under stress and strain we see that mud throwing is very common.
Not attending to their works some observe the other workers and think that they are relaxed.
Every body has his own style of working and thinking and he works in a way that suits him.
Some times one employee works more with little tension and fatigue.
To do the same work the other employees take lot of strain and expend more energy.
They become jealous of the employee who does the work smoothly.
They find faults in that employee and want to put him in difficulty.
If reprimanded they put the blame on the innocent employee who carries out his tasks beautifully.
Every body in an office particularly in service industries are in a constant state of stress and strain.
All work in the equal footing and no one finds time to relax.
The innocent employee suffers much when all the works are given to him.
IÂ also experience the same things in my office.
Looking to the clear sky with the full moon and the stars I was thinking of the mud throwing practice.
IÂ was thinking the detrimental effects of it and how it threatens the inner peace.
IÂ was introspecting the battle of the day and was thinking how many times muds had been thrown to me.
As if I was the culprit and others were trying to prove themselves clean.
The nature and the minds of the mud throwers were coming to my mental mirror.
IÂ was feeling pity for them and was thinking to suggest the organization to devise suitabe training for them so as to enable them to work with zeal and vigor.
Looking to the horizon I was forgetting my worries and anxieties.
At any cost I have to walk on the path of my life.
IÂ have to keep good relationships even with the mud throwers to get the work done.
IÂ have to tactfully manage them in order to upkeep my zeal and vigor.
At any cost I should not compromise with my self love.
I have to thorougly introspect myself and rectify my thoughts if i am wrong.
Mud throwing is the practice of escapists.
Those who are afraid of work and are lazy they throw mud on others.
They should be managed with applied intelligence oterwise they will destroy the mission of an organization.
Some innocent employess will be punished at their cost.
IÂ was feeling the presence of the Lord in my thoughts,words and deeds.
He was taking my worries,anxieties,agonies and grief.
To fight the battle in a more relaxed manner He was teaching me the secrets in the silence of the night.
He was taking away my superimpositions and was instilling courage and confidence in my inner self.
IÂ was thinking of peace and stability of human life.
IÂ have to be tolerant and passionate with all the things and beings.
Mud throwing is the inherent nature of every human being.
Since time immemorial it is running in the societies.
We have to manage mud throwing by constant practice.
We have to study our own minds and remove the ideas of mud throwing.
Studying the minds of others we should try to give them a spiritual bent of mind.
We should try our level best to imbibe within ourselves the qualities of the divine.
IÂ was looking to the entire globe and was seeing the mud throwing between the individuals and nations.
IÂ was praying the Lord to instill in every body's mind the universal faith.
Developing faith on self and on the Lord one can free himself from the mud throwing bondage.
One should understand that mud throwing will not help him rather he will be punished by the Lord as the time passes.
IÂ was slowly sleeping on the bed calling the Lord to give me a beautiful rest.
In my dream I saw the Lord in His childhood playing with the mud.
The mud was shining by the beauty of the Lord.
To my surprise muds were being converted to gold.
IÂ woke up in the morning alive and afresh.
Learning the secret alchemy of converting the mud to gold I joined the battle of life.
More I underwent the mud throwing I became more closer to the divine.
Purer and perfect became my thoughts,words and deeds.
Out of each throw I sensed a greater manifestation of life.
Converting the mud in to gold I fulfilled my hopes and dreams.
Managing self and others beautifully I served my family,organization and society.
I became an expert to deal with the mud throws and mantained a peaceful and happy life.