How to Create a Web Page With a Picture on Windows XP
- 1). Go to the program menu and choose Accessories and then WordPad, which is built into Windows XP.
- 2). Create an HTML document inside WordPad. HTML is the language Web browsers use, and any text editor can create a Web page using this simple language. You will of course have to know HTML. Type in the HTML to create a Web page. If you don't know HTML, there are many online tutorials for free. You will use the "img src=" code to point to a picture.
- 3). Save the file with a name and the extension of .html or .htm. Upload the file and the picture to a Web server using FTP software, and you have created a Web page with a picture. FTP includes programs such as Cute FTP. To use FTP, you enter your website's address, your user name and password, and then select the files you want to upload and use an arrow button in the program to move the files to the server.