How Chiropractic Treatment can Help Relive Neck Pain?

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Cervical spine or much commonly known as the neck is indeed responsible to regulate several important functions of our body. On primary basis it provides you the flexibility, along with that it also provides supports and lifts the entire weight of your head (which is roughly about twelve pounds or five kilograms).  With the responsibility of all these functions, along with considering the position of the neck, it is quite inevitable for it suffer from pain and injury.

On the other hand, there are millions of people suffering neck pain across the world. Most of them tend to ignore that, however, this ignorance hampers the daily activities, as does the overall quality of life. There are several strings attached which can result into neck pain, which one should be aware of. Some of the most common are:
  1. Injuries to neck itself
  2. Accidents (often resulting into nerve and tissue damage, muscle damage, ligament damage and disc problems)
  3. Old age
  4. Improper sleeping posture
  5. Genetic or degenerative conditions
  6. Spinal stenosis
  7. Osteoarthritis
  8. Even poor posture and / or repetitive motions

First Chiropractic Visit

For people suffering from acute or chronic neck pain, back pain, lower back pain, shoulder or arm pain, chiropractic treatment could be the best non-invasive and non-surgical alternative. During the first meeting the doctor of chiropractic aka chiropractor will first ask you a set of questions pertaining to your current lifestyle and symptoms, and thereafter will perform a thorough assessment and consultation. Some of the typical questions asked includes:
  1. Since how long you are suffering from the pain?
  2. What kind of treatments you have opt for, so far to alleviate the pain?
  3. Do you have pain only in neck or in other parts of your body as well?
  4. Does any specific type of activity make the pain better or worse?

Sometimes, the chiropractor may also have to perform an in-depth neurological and physical exams, which helps to determine your overall physical condition, range of motion, spine condition, reflexes, and muscle strength. X-rays may also be used to look for arthritis, fractures, bone spurs, or disc issues that could also lead to neck pain.

Many times, a chiropractor recommends neck adjustments or cervical manipulation. Cervical manipulation helps to restore range of motion, thereby increasing the spine mobility and improve normal spinal curves and posture. One of the best part of chiropractic treatment is that it's completely drug free and non-invasive. A chiropractor uses only his / her hand to cure the patients.

Patients opting for neck pain chiropractic treatment often feels a reduction in neck pain, stiffness, and a better ability to turn and move the head. Overall, they notice a great improvement in their neck pain, and are able to cure the pain.
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