How to Prune a Sambucus Black Lace Tree
- 1). Wait until the Black Lace elderberry has stopped blooming for the year, which typically occurs in the late summer. Prune back all of the upper limbs using pruning shears until they are only two-thirds of their original length.
- 2). Look at the main trunk of the Black Lace tree and identify any branches that are sprouting up from the ground or from the lower portions of the trunk. Prune these off at ground level or flush with the trunk using hand pruners. This prevents the tree from turning back into a shrub form.
- 3). Rake up the clipped stems and place them into a compost area. You can also place them into the trash for disposal if desired.
- 4). Repeat the same pruning procedure until the third year of growth.
- 5). Remove all dead wood starting in the third year by identifying stems that are black or brown in color or that lack foliage. Cut them off at ground level with hand pruners. Forgo pruning after blooming after the third year to allow the edible, tart, dark berries to develop.