Best Method of Growing a Orange Jessamine - Follow These Tips For Maximum Foliage and Blooms

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Common Names for Orange Jessamine Almost always mistaken up for Jasmine because of their resemblance, the Orange Jessamine is also known by its other monikers such as Chinese Cosmetic Boxwood, Hawaiian Mock Orange, Lakeview Jasmine and Orange Jasmine.
Unless you are a horticulturist or grower, it may be hard for you to distinguish Orange Jessamine.
Family Name A member of Rutaceae (pronounced as roo-TAY-see-ee) family plant that means bitter herbs, Orange Jessamine owns the scientific name Murraya paniculata (L) Jacq (mer-RAY-yuh pan-ick-yoo-LAY-tuh).
Rutaceae plants are citrus, and this includes plants like Orange, Lemon, Key lime and other citrus trees.
Plant Description Unlike other plants, the leaves of Orange Jessamine do not fall off.
And for such feature, this plant is considered to be an evergreen type.
Although it is commonly conceived as a shrub or small bush, Orange Jessamine can reach its maximum height of twelve feet.
It is a fast grower as its young shoot can reach five feet within a few years.
Also, the Jessamine can be trimmed to particular sizes or shapes to fit in any garden landscape theme.
The leaves are bright and shiny green; while the flowers, which are fragrant bloom white many times in a year.
Plant Location The best climate for the Jessamine is tropical.
However, it also survives in more arid and dry land, provided that it is watered regularly.
From the West coast to the East of the United States, mock Orange has greater chances at survival as it needs warm weather.
In Minnesota, this plant can live if there is a green house that can be heated in winter, when the temperature drops below zero degrees.
Lakeview jasmine can also thrive indoors in a pot or in a large room.
Then its scent can be enjoyed anywhere inside the house.
Culture Needs: Water is the fundamental need of this Jessamine.
The soil, which should be neutral in its alkalinity and acidity, must be regularly moistened.
Hence, it is best for the plant to be watered each day or when the soil becomes dry.
To keep it healthy and make it flower, it needs nutrients from fertilizers.
Cloning Orange Jessamine or making a sprout from an existing plant is done by making a cutting from its stem, and planting such cutting.
Within months, a new shoot emerges from it.
Landscape Usage Although it needs warm, it cannot survive direct exposure to sunlight.
What it needs is to be planted in shaded areas or anywhere with indirect sunlight.
Orange Jasmine can also be left alone to grow without limits.
However, to do just that, the garden may have sufficient space to accommodate a twelve foot flowering plant.
In addition, since most of the soil in the yard is not neutral, placing topsoil on areas where Orange Jessamine should be planted is ideal.
Pros The best characteristic of Orange Jessamine is its capacity to thrive in tropical climates.
When it blooms, not only does your garden be deigned with flowers; but butterflies will flock on your yard because of the enchanting fragrance of the blooms.
Cons Growing this plant in drier climate requires daily watering.
So, if there are issues on water supply, Orange Jessamine will have a difficult time.
Additionally, it can grow to be a rather large plant.
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