Build Your Own Greenhouse - Things You Should Look For
So what to build? Building your own greenhouse should save you money but what size to build to stay within the budget. Small designs may keep the costs way down but will they leave you enough room to grow what you want? If you have the space, you may want to consider building the biggest greenhouse your budget and space will allow.
OK, the decision has been made; you are going to build your own greenhouse. Your mate has some reservations about your ability, but forge ahead you shall. But before you get started, here are some things you may want to consider and some tips that may help ease the process.
1. First, decide on the design you want to go with. Once the design is chosen you may want to search around for used materials that will do the job, especially if you are planning on building a larger greenhouse.
2. Second thing to consider is where you live. This will determine the climate control you require for your greenhouse. If you live in a cold climate, consider insulating and heating the greenhouse. This will provide the heat and warmth required to allow your plants and or vegetables to flourish during the winter months. For those warm climate areas, shade control becomes a very important aspect of your greenhouse's location.
3. A few more things to think about and I will group them all together here. You need to consider humidity controlling devises, soil for pest control, spacing, lighting, automatic watering systems, benches, other automatic equipments that are effective in maintaining the plants and proper structure if you plan on hanging plants. For the cold seasons you will need heaters. And most importantly you will need to think about proper air circulation.
4. The next thought is how we cover our newly created greenhouse? We could chose to use glass or fiberglass which is the covering agreed to be the best but also the most expensive. Even though they would be more expensive, they would prove to be more durable and longer lasting than using a plastic cover. In the long run it may prove to be cheaper to pay the initial cost since you would be changing the plastic on a regular basis. Also the more expensive fiberglass and glass provides more heat and humidity for your plant life.
5. As like any structure, the foundation is extremely vital to how strong and durable the house will be. If you are willing to spend a little more, you may want to consider putting in a concrete floor. If money is an issue, you may want to consider a wood floor made from old railway ties or pressure treated wood or no foundation at all, depending on the area you live in.
6. Pest control is a very important factor when considering the greenhouse. Are there such things as "Good Bugs"? As a matter of fact there is. Bugs like nematodes (roundworms), spiders and ladybugs help in the control of the "Bad Bugs". You may want to consider using indicator cards to determine the bugs you have before you consider spraying.
7. There are probably a million other things to think about but for this blog, I will only touch on one more. There may be many products that are required to make your greenhouse successful. Items like bags of soil, rakes, watering cans (if not using a system), a desk possibly and maybe a potting area to transfer your plants or pot new ones. Consider all these factors when you start building your home away from home.
I have given you a lot of things to think about. There are many kits you can choose from as well. To check out the kits available go to Greenhouse Kits
If you are still not sure of what design you want, check out Greenhouse Design.
And just one last thought; building your plant palace with the help of your family just makes the experience a whole lot better.