Humanity Is DOOMED

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We are all DOOMED.
Why you ask? I'll tell you.
It isn't the amount of respect we neglect to show each other on neither the road, nor downtown or on the subway.
Well maybe on the subway (what's with the guy who doesn't know he smells?), however, what I am about to tell you will reveal as to why we will fail as humans.
While you are sitting at local coffee shop reading this, look to your left and right, you're probably thinking "We're in a sophisticated society where we paved our way by respecting each other.
" "What's your point, you've gotten me reading this far, tell me your point!" OK well when I am in the gym benchpressing the weakest guy there (no pun intended), I constantly get reminded the fact that we haven't progressed at all since our caveman era's; Aside from the technological advances, we're still the big, dirty and fight or flight cavemen and women.
You can now understand how frustrated I am with this topic now.
I have even witnessed a gym employee, personal trainer to be more specific, walking around the gym looking for someone to challenge him.
When we enter gyms, it's as if we are our own authority figure, waiting to pounce on the one who dares to defy us.
However, as soon as you leave the gym, we enter the realm of more civilized people again.
So what's the deal? I have been studying this behavior for little over a year now and have went to other gyms and witnessed the same behavior.
Furthermore, I truly do not believe testosterone is to blame for this reverse in time.
So why is it that when we enter the gym we become less civilized? And why is it that there is no gym authority to enforce their rules? This phenomenon (yes it's a phenomenon) is almost as odd as seeing women put on makeup in the change room then workout; it's like they want to look good even when they are working out to look good.
HUH? OK do you catch the irony here? It is like dressing up then going into the sauna.
And what's with the attitude you get from the receptionist BEFORE you even enter the gym? OK maybe this happens only at my gym, or does it? While you're reading my rant, you've probably made comparisons to your local workout place.
I'll guarantee you that it is not that entirely different.
As much as I love to workout, gyms are a place where society steps it down a stage and only physical appearance matter, and financial successes are out the window (even if you are wearing a lululemon pants).
I remember I cut my hand once on a weight in the gym I go to, and the gym had no firstaid kit for a band aid, I'm pretty confident that even Guantanamo had bandaids.
A buddy of mine injured his finger severely and all he got from the manager was "Don't bleed all over my floor".
What's happening here? Are we moving backwards in evolution? The way I see it, deep down we're all greedy.
The more confidence we get, the higher our ego's become and more segregated we establish ourselves to be.
Furthermore, lets stop nodding our heads from sideside and all hold hands and develop a gym etiquette system and a program for us GYMUNS that pushes gyms to enforce health and safety rules.
Firstly, we've all seen the washroom etiquette system.
If you have NOT seen that, drop this article right now and you tube washroom etiquette and you'll understand the state of emergency we are in.
Since I am a guy, a handsome guy to be exact, here are some basic guidelines.
And by basic I mean whatever came to my mind while working out that made me angry.
For GYMUNS Yes, gym washrooms are public, which doesn't mean you can unleash wrath on it.
Would you do that in your own washroom? Hopefully, for my credibility, you don't.
The gym I go to has hair dryers.
My fellow gymuns, do not just stand there naked in front of the mirror using the hair dryer.
No body wants to see that.
I'd never thought I say this to another man, but put some pants on or a towel at least.
While working out, if you do not have a towel, wipe the sweat off the seat before you let the next person use it.
If you're taking breaks in between your sets, allow someone else to use your weights with you if needed.
You'd like to have it that way if you were in the opposing view.
I have a HUGE problem with guys who are not using the weights and just chatting and they do not allow anyone else to touch the weights.
That stops now.
Do not throw your weights after you're done, this is both dangerous and uncivil.
Be human.
Put them back after your workout.
It's a gym, not a UFC fighting rink.
Keep that in mind.
If someone asks you if you're done with the weights, answer back.
Its just plain rude if you don't acknowledge a response.
If you're spotting somebody, don't do the one arm spot; use both hands and stop checking out people around you.
The person's life you are spotting could potentially be at risk.
I actually witnessed this event at my gym, one guy was doing at least 200 pounds on benchpress and his fellow spotter placed one hand beneath the bar and stayed on the phone.
Put your ego aside, if you need a spot, ask someone, it's dangerous to use heavy weights alone.
We'll still think you're jacked.
PERSONAL TRAINERS, please keep your attention on the client you have in front of you.
I cannot begin to explain how many times I see a personal trainer be on his phone and just muttering to his client to tell them what to do.
C'mon bra's, they are paying for you to help them, so DROP THE PHONE AND HELP THEM! Overall, what would a gym be if no one attended it? For those of us who attend a gym, and you do notice health and safety problems similar to my gym, let your voice be heard.
Gyms need to acknowledge some rules and enforce them.
The rules seem to be there, however nobody is there to enforce them.
I want to see a plaque of these rules placed in every gym, not because I'm superseded and arrogant, but because we are all apart of a team.
THE TEAM OF GYMUNS! So the next time you are in the gym, take a step back and just remember, you are NOT a caveman, you are a GYMUN, an individual who supersedes the rest of us by going through pain and anguish to upgrade our bodies from a Toyota Tercel to a Ferrari, metaphorically speaking.
The following was just an example of how the world operates.
Yes its a story about the gym,but is it really that different from your work place? The Subway you take to work? Your neighborhood? I don't want to get political but it has come down to us following each other in hopes that they would do something wrong so we can punish them.
If you didn't get the George Zimmerman reference than you should close this articles right now and throw your lap top out the window.
Next article will be about a certain encounter that I had downtown Toronto.
Stay tuned! I would love to hear your opinions on certain news subjects that happen.
I have a website that allows us to talk live as news happens.
My website is http://www.
You don't have to go to it, I just like to shamelessly promote my own products that are free in which I don't profit.
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