How to Choose the Right Dog - Which Dog is Right For My House?
Choosing the right dog can be difficult at times.
In this articles I discuss somethings to consider when, it is time to choose the right dog for the place you live in.
I have been adopting dogs since 1993 and want to share some wisdom with you on choosing the right dog.
First of all, how big is the place you live in? Do you have lots of furnitures? Do you have a big yard? These are important things to consider when, it comes to adopting or getting a new dog.
If your house, apartment, condo is pretty small then consider getting a dog that is not too big.
A huge dog can, easily start running everywhere and destroy practically all your furniture.
They can chew up your beautiful furniture.
I remember when we tried to adopt a st.
Bernard and at that time I was living in a small apartment.
This dog grew up to be close to 160 pounds and it ruined all of my furnitures and a big lesson was learned from this, do not get a dog that is huge, when you live in a small apartment or place.
Another to factor to consider, is this dog going to be staying indoor or outdoor? What is the main purpose of the dog you are getting? If you are looking for a dog to protect your house and stay outdoor, then a German Shepard is a pretty solid dog.
This breed is a well known guard dog that many owners keep outside in their yard or in front of their house for protection.
These dogs are also huge and can ruin and destroy your furniture if they are kept indoor.
Knowing which dog to choose for your house or apartment is very important and the factors mentioned in this article should be considered before you make your choice.
Dogs are wonderful companions and can do so much for owners that will care and love them.
In this articles I discuss somethings to consider when, it is time to choose the right dog for the place you live in.
I have been adopting dogs since 1993 and want to share some wisdom with you on choosing the right dog.
First of all, how big is the place you live in? Do you have lots of furnitures? Do you have a big yard? These are important things to consider when, it comes to adopting or getting a new dog.
If your house, apartment, condo is pretty small then consider getting a dog that is not too big.
A huge dog can, easily start running everywhere and destroy practically all your furniture.
They can chew up your beautiful furniture.
I remember when we tried to adopt a st.
Bernard and at that time I was living in a small apartment.
This dog grew up to be close to 160 pounds and it ruined all of my furnitures and a big lesson was learned from this, do not get a dog that is huge, when you live in a small apartment or place.
Another to factor to consider, is this dog going to be staying indoor or outdoor? What is the main purpose of the dog you are getting? If you are looking for a dog to protect your house and stay outdoor, then a German Shepard is a pretty solid dog.
This breed is a well known guard dog that many owners keep outside in their yard or in front of their house for protection.
These dogs are also huge and can ruin and destroy your furniture if they are kept indoor.
Knowing which dog to choose for your house or apartment is very important and the factors mentioned in this article should be considered before you make your choice.
Dogs are wonderful companions and can do so much for owners that will care and love them.