Why African American Women Are Right For You - Part 2
My premise was that African American women are right for you if you align properly with their characteristics.
I used five of twenty-nine dimensions of compatibility as outlined by eHarmony.
They are considered relationship experts so I thought it to be a worthwhile comparison.
In this article I take a look at five additional dimensions and I describe how they play out in the lives of many of the black women I know.
- Dominance.
A black woman is used to leading and will take over when necessary.
She seeks out ways to advance.
She may elect to further her education.
She may have a side gig like doing hair, catering or writing.
She may decide to move up the corporate ladder.
She is used to leading and being creative and she uses these traits to help advance herself.
To be compatible in this area, it will take a secure, less dominant individual. - Conflict Resolution.
She is street smart and quick to identify issues of concern.
This comes from growing up or having hung out in the "'hood".
She knows how to spot a con a mile away.
She will use the attitude that she sometimes gets when she feels she is being played to help check those who offend. - Spirituality.
She goes to church and does her best to live and treat others right. - Curiosity.
If there is suspicious activity going on, she will figure it out.
She will ask questions for clarification and help where needed. - Appearance.
She is beautiful.
Her full lips and hips are often imitated.
Although she is much more than her physical appearance, she is frequently acknowledged for her unique style and flair.
She knows how to work her hair.
Now more than ever she is clear about the variety of hair styles available to her.
She can go natural, relaxed, get braids or extensions, have an updo, or do anything she wants with her hair.
They are what they are.
Black women who agree with the interpretation provided might need only to to focus on the potential mate who fits best.
African American women may be right for a lot of people.
They may even be right for you.