Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief - You Should Know There is Hope
The feeling of tingling, weakness and radiating pain from the back through to the legs is a sure sign you may have radiculopathy.
Well what does radiculpathy have to do with sciatica? You may ask.
Well, the actual condition is called radiculopathy.
Sciatica is just one symptom of the condition.
As stated above sciatica is just one of the many symptoms.
Something putting pressure on the sciatic nerve usually a bulging disc which causes pain and inflammation and the other symptoms described earlier is what is termed ad sciatica.
Most will only suffer a few days at the hand of sciatica, but for others they could have the symptoms for 10 - 20 years.
Unless the root cause of the actual condition is dealt with the symptoms will never completely go away.
You need to completely eliminate the root cause of sciatica and not just treat the immediate symptoms.
Most of your efforts should be in obtaining treatment that will address the root causes of the sciatica, because failure to correct the issue can lead to permanent damage of the sciatic nerve.
Sciatica can develop suddenly due to an injury but this is less frequent, the most likely cause is a wear and tear on the bones of the lower back.
Sciatica can occur at any age but is most common in people between 30-50 years of age.
Treatment vs cure obviously the permanent fix would involve the re alignment or removal of the irritant to the sciatic nerve.
Then there is the awful microdiscectomy, the surgery to end all surgeries.
The surgery involve cutting open your back or laproscopic incisions to remove the disc of any part resting on your sciatic nerve.
All surgeries are very risky business and back surgery can leave you paralyzed fro the rest of your life.
Back surgery for sciatica is in most cases completely unnecessary and should never be take lightly.
6 Years And Counting Of Sciatic Pain Gone, Learn How I Did It Without Surgery.
Sciaitica Nerve Pain Relief
Well what does radiculpathy have to do with sciatica? You may ask.
Well, the actual condition is called radiculopathy.
Sciatica is just one symptom of the condition.
As stated above sciatica is just one of the many symptoms.
Something putting pressure on the sciatic nerve usually a bulging disc which causes pain and inflammation and the other symptoms described earlier is what is termed ad sciatica.
Most will only suffer a few days at the hand of sciatica, but for others they could have the symptoms for 10 - 20 years.
Unless the root cause of the actual condition is dealt with the symptoms will never completely go away.
You need to completely eliminate the root cause of sciatica and not just treat the immediate symptoms.
Most of your efforts should be in obtaining treatment that will address the root causes of the sciatica, because failure to correct the issue can lead to permanent damage of the sciatic nerve.
Sciatica can develop suddenly due to an injury but this is less frequent, the most likely cause is a wear and tear on the bones of the lower back.
Sciatica can occur at any age but is most common in people between 30-50 years of age.
Treatment vs cure obviously the permanent fix would involve the re alignment or removal of the irritant to the sciatic nerve.
Then there is the awful microdiscectomy, the surgery to end all surgeries.
The surgery involve cutting open your back or laproscopic incisions to remove the disc of any part resting on your sciatic nerve.
All surgeries are very risky business and back surgery can leave you paralyzed fro the rest of your life.
Back surgery for sciatica is in most cases completely unnecessary and should never be take lightly.
6 Years And Counting Of Sciatic Pain Gone, Learn How I Did It Without Surgery.
Sciaitica Nerve Pain Relief