A News Flash From Texas Politics!

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I watched the debates last night.
For a good bit.
I couldn't take it all in.
My heart and mind are a bit "shaky" these days.
( I sooo wanted to spell "Texas" with two "S"s!) Last nights debate was not as much a debate as a "debasement" of Texas Values! I don't care how you "slice" it, that is; the Governorship, and thus supposedly the leadership; of Texas.
The bare facts are all too evident! I'm not kidding your here! There was a "Demoncrate" on the far "Left"of my TV screen.
(Yes folks, I am aware that it is "stage right") This guy never said one thing, in answer to the "vetted" questions.
He, basically, wants to ignore the new highway corridor, only giving a "nod" to the fact that it is owned and built by a SPANISH COMPANY.
He wants to TAX; and I would suppose; SPEND.
Big surprise there, huh? He would, if elected, TAX "Big Business".
But that is a problem, as we still have a REPUBLIC, and not the DEMOCRACY he said we had.
You see, in a REPUBLIC, taxing is done by the people.
And we are, Ihope, far enough along to clue our younger generation into the REALITY, of trying to put a TAX upon "Big Business".
For the simple reason that no one can! That's right! The Government actually got a "NEW TAX" into place.
And it looked like it had the MAJORITY of the "Peoples" backing.
Problem was, it was passed upon the recommendation of DEMON-CRATES that could not deliver! I ain't kidding you here! They tried to put a huge TAX on new YACHTS.
This did two things.
Well, actually, three things, if you back up and look at the "big picture".
ONE was that the SUPER RICH just flew to EUROPE, where they bought YACHTS at a very huge discount.
no TAX! Secondly, the hard working men, perhaps DEMONCRATES all; lost their jobs.
To a man! You see; if you don't have buyers, you might as well not have a product! Simple economics.
But you just try to tell that to the "FEELGOOD SOCIETY"! They won't listen.
Just as they didn't listen before the NEW TAX was placed on the newly built Yachts! You see; the real problem with the "Feelgood Society" is that they literally want to liberally base all the workings of our great nation upon the principle ofCARL MARX!Yes! They want to live in a DEMOCRACY! They hate living in a REPUBLIC.
The reason is simple.
YOU have rights! That would be done away with, upon any MARXIST national government.
They see that as being good, not bad.
YOU are then only moving your carcass around sweating for their pleasure! Actually, you do that now, to a point.
As there is no real money, even script based on real money, in this country any longer.
Why? Because evidently you cannot be trusted to hold it! You could be "ripped off" by some speculative hard COMMUNIST or REPUBLICAN! I ain't kidding you here.
OK, I went off on a tangent didn't I? Sorry about that.
Back to TEXAS! Which ain't a bad thing, let me tell you.
There was a woman candidate on the far right of my TV.
She is said to be running as an "Independent" candidate.
But did she do so before? Ask yourself that.
She was against the "Super-duper-highway", as well as against foreign ownership of the projects maintenance and construction.
Good! So far, right? She evaded all frivolous questions, such as; "Who is the President of Mexico?" You might think that is very important to TEXAS.
But not to her.
She carefully used her allotted time to DUCK the question.
Quoting a lot of stuff about "ain't we great?", while not saying who was President of Mexico.
Because she didn't know! Now, you may think she just blew her chances to get elected as Governor of Texas.
But she didn't! You see, Texas Politics is different from all other Politics of all other states in this country! I ain't kidding you here either! NO ONE IN TEXAS cares one wit who is President of Mexico! We want to get along with Mexico, but care less, as long as the "People of Mexico" pick the winner.
And so long as we live in peace.
Which we are not right at the moment! We are being "set upon" by both the Government of Mexico, and our own PRESIDENT's policy of "INCORPORATING EVERY OTHER COUNTRY THAT IS BORDERING OURS! That is a fact my friend! Like that or not.
You just try and stop it.
Speaking of "done deals', the "Super-duper-you-can't-even-get-on-the-thing-highway" leading from MEXICO just south of TEXAS, Northward to MEXICO in the center of the U.
! You see, MEXICO has been given an "INTERNATIONAL HIGHWAY" to bring its goods, unhindered and untaxed, to America, and to Canada! There is another small thing you need to know about this TRATIOROUS ACT! After they construct and then use, this highway, it becomes, by its very use by non-citizens and corporations, a "WORLD OWNED" property! Yeah.
Just as the back of the NATIONAL PARKS that we bought and paid for and maintain, are all 'INTERNATIONAL WORLD PROPERTY designated as "UN BIOSPHERES".
You cannot move, alter, and in the future; use them.
The OWNERSHIP and management has passed into the PUBLIC DOMAIN OF THE WORLD! Like that? Probably not, if your a REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRATE.
But too bad, because the REAL TERRORISTS in this country have control of our Government! And they are dictating all LAWS and RULES and OWNERSHIP! That is; within this country.
Like that now? The Third person on the "Panel to Abrogate" the Governorship of Texas was the INCUMBENT.
If you don't already know that he is a "BUSH CLONE" then you are too stupid to understand what I might have to say about this "One World" "Tell-them-what-they-want-to-hear" Politician.
You could jerk him out of his over-padded-shoulder suit, and replace him with George Bush Jr.
and no one would hardly know it! Ok, maybe his wife, but no one else.
The only hope we have rests oddly enough on a CRAZY MAN, named "Freaky Friday" or something similar.
I am not kidding you here about the name! He is outstanding in his run for the election! He is smooth verbally.
He is "right on the money" in his Political Platform.
He is not really crazy, but sane and very OPINIONATED! Of course that trait is why I am drawn to him.
But you already figured that out, din't cha? He has only two drawbacks.
One is RELIGIOUS BASED BIAS, which no one can fault him for having, not while this country is "simi-free".
Religious bias is not a bad thing, not in my eyes.
BUT, having said that, you should know, if you have not heard him speak on the subjects within his PLANK, that he hates the INTERNET! He calls it the "Devils Work"! And who am I to negate or deny that/ Both his opinion, and his right to that opinion, and also his reason! I mean, don't we still have some liberty left within our own heads? Liberty to choose to see this trait for what it is? And that is all it is.
He didn't say he wanted to end the Internet! Nor block funding.
Nor, as the REPUBLICANS want to do, give it to the DEMOCRATES! Ok, I'm kidding you here.
They want to give control of it to the UN.
Who wants it badly, seeing it as a way to control your "hearts and minds.
" (as in "control their hearts and minds, war psy-ops!) which is a very bad condition to be in.
If you are not already bought, or brought into the "SYSTEM" already.
The "FREAKS" other drawback.
That will take a bit of communication.
And understanding.
You see, he loves to dress in the COWBOY manner.
That was the think back in the 60's! Cowboy boots, hat, and belt, all matching.
In this case, for the camera as much as a "trademark", is basic black.
He also has a cigar in his mouth.
But still a cigar.
He was asked if he thought that would have an affect upon any school children that saw him, that is, if elected.
That question came from the Organization (one of several, not a bad thing.
) that hates him! The corporation "big-shot media-types", especially in DALLAS, hate the "FREAK", because he tells it like it is! And to (H..
oops! that's a no-no these days on this site.
Good) with the resulting conditions after! As if any school children would see or hear the Governor of Texas! Not if they can get out of it, they won't! And not if they get the "word" early enough to be "absent without leave" that school day! Nor do they have such small innocent hearts these days, nor taught anything except, "Strangers are Strange! Keep or run away from them!" You see, some children identify with the teacher, more than any man dressed as "Santa Clause"! As such I was labeled by tots as a "Stranger", so they would not sit in my lap! I don't blame them here, do you? No way are they watching any Politician in order to be influenced into voting, let along smoking! I know most adults are not "plugged in" enough to have even watched the "Non-debate" last night, themselves! Ok, he is a ..
OK, a Freak! But weren't we all, as seen by our standards today? I would hate to be caught in a pair of Bleeding Madras Walking Shorts, along with this gray hair, today! Ready for that to come back? No? And so then we are not going for the pearl snap buttons and the outlined yoke shirt that matches the pants in color and material, right? Good! At my age, I need to at least not look like the FREAK that I am, that is, through the eyes of my Grandchildren.
Who, seeing with the eyes of a child, can see my heart easily enough! My opinion of the "Non-debate", which was that it was actually killed by and from, the "NEWSMEDIA" types on the questioning panel.
And also, the limits placed upon time to answer the questions.
The way it worked, the NEWS-LAST-YEAR Media Types, all full of "THEMSELVES", as most are, had longer for the question to be verbalized by them, than the time allotted for the answer from the CANDIDATES! Man, that is informing the "Public" ain't it? Hey, freak or not, worn out hat and shoes, complete withunlit cigar, Freaky KINKY FRIEDMAN can carry the right tune when it comes to being Governor.
He will be, at every "Media Feeding", an embarrassment to our State, in LOOKS.
But not in BEING HIS OWN MAN! No one will claim that they own this guy! Think about that!
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