Natural Healing Methods for Interstitial Cystitis
- According to the Mayo Clinic, reducing intake of foods that irritate the bladder may help reduce discomfort. Avoid carbonated beverages such as sodas and sparkling beverages. Also, food and drink that contain caffeine should be avoided. Citrus fruits and any products containing citrus are also a bladder irritant.
Other foods to avoid include tomatoes, alcohol, spicy foods and pickled products. Artificial sweetens may also cause discomfort in some people. The Mayo Clinic recommends eliminating foods one at a time to determine which foods are causing discomfort. - Interstitial cystitis causes uncomfortable urinary frequency. Bladder training, however, may help reduce these systems. With this method, people go to the bathroom in timed intervals instead of waiting until they have the natural urge.
Intervals start at every half hour, with the patient trying to urinate (even if she doesn't think she needs to). Then, the patient slowly allows more time between the intervals to decrease urinary frequency. - Talk with your doctor about pelvic therapy. This therapy is conducted by a pelvic floor physiotherapist and focuses on exercises that reduce muscle spasms.
Also, people with this condition should focus on reducing stress. Medication and yoga can reduce stress, which may reduce symptoms of interstitial cystitis, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Smokers should consider quitting because this habit exacerbates symptoms.