Ayurveda Tips on Worst Food Combination

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A Simple Solution: See how to enjoy the same foods, without the gastrointestinal warzone...
Last week, in my article on food allergies, I gave everybody a quiz: What is the worst food combination that Westerners consume these days? We received a number of great guesses...
Mary Peyer said: "Peanut butter and celery.
" Actually, that's a good combination if we we're talking real peanut butter (not the sugar-coated stuff that lines the supermarket).
Diana guessed: "Fruit and vegetables; bad ph combination and all the fancy restaurants are doing it!" True, that's a nasty one.
But, I don't think it's as popular as the one I had in mind.
Wanda said: "Cornflakes, milk and a banana!" That's getting warm, but I'm not sure if I can count Cornflakes(TM) as a FOOD combination.
Shveta said, "Dairy and citrus (e.
cold cereal & orange juice).
" Yeah, that's not a good one.
Any type of fruit with dairy isn't a great idea.
Likewise, Allyson said, "Dairy and other foods?" Yes, but a specific type of dairy and specific type of food...
How to Create a Sticky Substance That'll Clog Up Your Gut First Thing in the Morning All good observations.
I'm glad to see my readers are so smart.
Yet, the food combo I had in mind was one you'll often see promoted in yoga and health magazines.
In fact, they often give recipes out, not realizing how unhealthy and un-yogic a combination it is.
Fruit and yogurt.
On their own, they are fine.
Together, they are trouble.
They are two opposites that do not mix well.
First, because fruit is sweet and yogurt is sour.
That's why yogurt is worse than say, milk or cheese.
But more so, yogurt produces a lot of mucous and when you combine that with the sugar in fruit, you end with a sticky substance.
The gooey mess ends up clogging the microscopic channels along your gut, blocking enzymes from being released and stopping the proper absorption of nutrients.
Now, isn't it interesting that the enzyme to digest milk is released in the small intestine (not in the stomach).
But if you've turned your meal into a big glob of sweet mucous you may be preventing the lactose enzyme from being released.
Further, any undigested food ends up being consumed by the bacteria in your gut.
That results in gas and toxic waste being excreted by the bacteria.
This is NOT a Healthy Breakfast Yogurt and fruit is often thought of as the "healthy breakfast.
" We even sell yogurt with fruit AND sugar already mixed in.
Now your body is smart, but it's not that smart.
It figures out that milk isn't doing it any good, but it doesn't understand that it's because of the combination with fruit.
So, in order to protect you, it puts an antibiotic tag on milk (and possibly fruit also), attacking it when ever it sets foot in your gastrointestinal tract.
Now, again, fruit is good for you, yogurt is good for you, milk is good for you.
But NOT when you chop up the fruit and stir it into your yogurt and puree into a smoothie.
If you really like this dishes, once in a while is okay.
Often, though, once you get away from these nasty food combinations, you have a natural dislike for them.
Often allergenic foods are addictive, as strange as that may sound.
Many food combinations my patients thought they couldn't live without are long forgotten habits, now.
If have you have these food combinations every day, however, that will cause problems.
First, there's digestive allergies, like we've been talking about.
After that, the toxins produced by the undigested food, which can't get out through your impaired colon, will be purged through your skin.
You might start getting dull looking skin, dry skin, rashes...
you name it.
So much of your skin's health is a result of how clean your body is on the inside.
This IS a Healthy Breakfast Now, an alternative to yogurt and fruit for breakfast is..
fruit and yogurt.
What do I mean? Well, have some fruit in the morning.
Maybe a little more than you have been so you fill yourself up.
Then, pack yourself a lassi.
A lassi is a traditional Indian drink where you combine yogurt, with a little water (or rose water) and spices (like cardamom, or for a more savory taste, cumin).
You can bring that with you to work and have it mid-morning.
Or, do the reverse, have the yogurt for breakfast and the fruit for a snack.
When you avoid the combinations, the food will digest a lot faster.
Your body can digest one, and then digest the other.
You'll get far more nutrients and energy from them, without the allergenic affects.
Try it out and let me know!
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