Tips on Foods to Buy and Preparation to Reduce Dietary Fat
When embarking on a fitness program, whether it be for a particular sport or putting on muscle, such as bodybuilding, it is vital to look at diet.
Although many sports diet programs look at and give advice about particular foods like high protein foods, it is important to eat healthily.
This also applies to those dieting for weight loss.
A low calorie or sports diet is not always a healthy diet.
One especially important area is in fat intake.
This article gives tips on what foods to buy and how to cook them in order to reduce fat healthily: Foods to buy: Check the labels on foods to see if there is an alternative available with a lower saturated fat content.
If you are buying poultry such as chicken or turkey, buy it without the skin on.
Fish or vegetarian versions of meals will have a lower fat content.
Choose low fat varieties of dairy foods, such as semi-skimmed milk an low-fat yoghurts.
If buying a pie, buy on with only one crust at the top.
Check your meat and the cut.
There often lower fat varieties of meat such as mince meat which can be bough lean.
Also check the amount of fat on a cut of meat and choose the one with the lowest fat amount.
Preparation in the Kitchen: Saturated oils are bad, so use unsaturated oils as an alternative.
Popular types are, olive, rapeseed and sunflower.
These can also be used as an alternative to butter, ghee and lard.
Grill your meat instead of frying it.
Grilling allows the fat to run away off the meat.
Also remove any fat off the meat before cooking it.
If you use a non-stick pan, then you can do without using any oil or fat altogether when frying food.
Used low fat spreads when making sandwiches or when adding to foods such as mashed potatoes.
All these tips are small snippets advice that when performed regularly can significantly reduce your intake of unhealthy, saturated fats which are responsible for the increase in diseases such as heart disease.
A number of small changes, regularly can soon add up to big changes.
Although many sports diet programs look at and give advice about particular foods like high protein foods, it is important to eat healthily.
This also applies to those dieting for weight loss.
A low calorie or sports diet is not always a healthy diet.
One especially important area is in fat intake.
This article gives tips on what foods to buy and how to cook them in order to reduce fat healthily: Foods to buy: Check the labels on foods to see if there is an alternative available with a lower saturated fat content.
If you are buying poultry such as chicken or turkey, buy it without the skin on.
Fish or vegetarian versions of meals will have a lower fat content.
Choose low fat varieties of dairy foods, such as semi-skimmed milk an low-fat yoghurts.
If buying a pie, buy on with only one crust at the top.
Check your meat and the cut.
There often lower fat varieties of meat such as mince meat which can be bough lean.
Also check the amount of fat on a cut of meat and choose the one with the lowest fat amount.
Preparation in the Kitchen: Saturated oils are bad, so use unsaturated oils as an alternative.
Popular types are, olive, rapeseed and sunflower.
These can also be used as an alternative to butter, ghee and lard.
Grill your meat instead of frying it.
Grilling allows the fat to run away off the meat.
Also remove any fat off the meat before cooking it.
If you use a non-stick pan, then you can do without using any oil or fat altogether when frying food.
Used low fat spreads when making sandwiches or when adding to foods such as mashed potatoes.
All these tips are small snippets advice that when performed regularly can significantly reduce your intake of unhealthy, saturated fats which are responsible for the increase in diseases such as heart disease.
A number of small changes, regularly can soon add up to big changes.