How Can You Recycle Your Energy and Save Money With A Hunter Ceiling Fan?
I am sure you are thinking what is this lady talking about a fan in winter for? So I am going to tell you all about it. Last year I discovered a company called The Hunter Fan Company. They created their first ceiling fan back in 1886 and believe it or not it ran by water power because electricity had not been invented. I did a lot of fan research and found them to have the best quality. I like, many others, know that a fan is ideal in the warm weather because it gives us a nice cooling breeze. Did you know that Hunter Fans only cost the same as a 100 watt light bulb to run and only need to run while you are actually in the room?
The exciting thing for me was that they also have a reverse function for the colder weather which I personally tested last winter. It is as simple as using the switch on the fan to get it to spin in the reverse direction. Why would I want to have it in reverse you are asking? We all know hot air rises and then gets lost or trapped which means wasted energy doesn't it. When the fan reverses what it is actually doing producing an upward push so it is pushing the hot air trapped at the ceiling gently back down the walls as it has nowhere else to go. Still not seeing why or how that will help? When it is doing this you can turn the thermostat down and for each digit it is turned down you save6% of your energy costs. If you can turn it down by four digits that saves you 24% on those costs. The proper term is de-stratification of the air.
I installed some fans a while ago and did run them in reverse through the winter of 2011/2012. I was keen to get my energy bills in March and compare them to the same time last year. I was so pleased when I checked and found I had a good savings and the difference between the two bills was a pleasant surprise. I am thrilled that I got, as hoped, an energy saving cooling product in my home.
I found Hunter Fans had an exciting mixture of styles that would suit any property and recently got in a fantastic new fan called Evo 2. This fan is just a light but once it turns on the blades come out and operate as a fan. When it is turned off the blades disappear back into the body and it becomes a beautiful light fixture. To me that is great because it has two functions.
I have recently got into the world of article writing as part of my new job but now I am enjoying imparting any wisdom I have accrued in my many years on this earth. I try to bring a bit of humour to the day in my writings. I have five grown children with eight grandchildren and a great granddaughter so get lots of ideas for articles from them and my life experience.