Turkey Hunting Tips - Helpful Insights For Beginner Turkey Hunters to Get the Results
And during spring seasons, numerous hunters take part in this activity.
They share turkey hunting tips and vie for the largest turkey.
Actually, the trophy status of this fowl depends on its size and the length of its beard.
And usually, only male turkeys are hunted.
They are generally larger than the females, and their colors are darker.
In addition, they grow beards on their chests that may reach up to nine inches in length.
There are also certain rules that hunters need to follow when hunting.
The months, locations, bagging limits, and time schedules are usually the significant factors that vary for every state.
Hunters need to consider these factors if they want to have a successful game.
But for a beginner hunter, a few turkey hunting tips will be helpful, as well.
For instance, checking out a prospective area during nighttime will enable the hunter to locate a resting turkey on a tree.
This way, he can stick around in the morning and make a call before the turkey leaves the tree.
Another tip for finding a target is to determine its food source.
The fall season, particularly, is the time of year when turkeys ran out of insects and grasses to eat.
So, they consume acorns and berries instead.
And because of this, a hunter will be able to locate them faster.
Additionally, checking for droppings and looking for feathers are two other unswerving turkey hunting tips.
The droppings of male turkeys look like question marks while those of the females look like small curlicues.
Then, searching for signs near watering holes is a good idea too.
Turkeys usually drink from these holes during daybreaks.
And making use of a hen call is among the most popular turkey hunting tips.
Basically, yelps, purrs, and clucks are simulated by the turkey hunter to lure his target.
Nevertheless, it is advised that a hunter always bring several types of calls with him.
Then again, these turkey hunting tips are slightly modified during rainy days.
Initially, rainy days are the best times to put the stalks on fowls; since they usually stay in more exposed areas during such weather.
However, a hunter must retreat if he sees lightning.
Then, he must head to an open field, after the rain, to shoot his target because this is usually the place where turkeys dry out.