Background Checks Can Help You Obtain a Line of Credit
Credit Card
This is probably one of the simplest forms. You may have received an application in the mail stating your pre-approval for a card. In other cases you may call or apply online and receive an instant background check. This mainly consists of looking over your credit history to find out how you are with making payments. A spotty history will likely result in you getting denied, and the same goes for if you have numerous lines of credit already open, i.e. car note, numerous cards, etc. If that is the case, work on clearing out some of those extra expenses.
Car Loan
Getting a vehicle is a little simpler, but if you are not approved outright, your road may include a few extra steps. For example, you normally save a down payment to help reduce the monthly payment. However, the amount required - down payment, interest rate - hinges on the background checks. Unlike a card denial, if a blemish or two shows up, you may have to deal with a higher interest rate, and subsequently, monthly payment. Otherwise, you may be required to put a little more to the down payment, which could help you keep things lower.
Home Loan
Unlike a car, a low credit score greatly reduces your chance of buying a home. Also unlike a car, a higher down payment or interest rate will not increase your chances. If you are denied for a home loan, consider again working on your credit by paying bills on time as much as possible, and decreasing the amount of debt you have.
Also, as much as you may want to live the "American Dream", do not overlook the option of renting. In many cases, you can get money together for a down payment on a house, and in the meantime work out your debt situation. And as opposed to home buying, a spotty background check may result in a higher housing deposit, instead of an outright denial.