Is Reflexology Used to Prevent or Treat Illness?
- Reflexology uses massage to create an energetic response to another part of the body, releasing tension and toxins as well as invoking the body's natural healing process. Within the practice of reflexology, there are many energy pathways or meridian lines within and along the human body. Reflexologists typically focus on points in the feet.
- As a natural healing science, the only tools required are knowledgeable hands. The specific finger movement used in reflexology is also known as thumb walking. With correctly pressured thumb movements that resemble the natural movement of a caterpillar, the reflexologist works his thumbs along specific pathways around the feet. As if there is an invisible line down the center of the body, each foot reflects the energy pathways and responding points of half the body. Yet each foot also displays a mirror image of the parts of an entire human body. A trained reflexologist will know what type of pressure should be used on particular areas of the foot, as the foot itself can be sensitive .
The large toes represent the head and the large ball area directly below represents the heart and chest. Reflexology is used as an aid towards healing but practitioners say it can also be used to prevent illnesses. The theory of reflexology and similar zone therapies like auricular therapy is that illness is caused by blocked meridians or pathways with an unhealthy flow through to parts of the body. For example, the theory says that if you have a blockage within the meridian connected to the big toe, you might suffer with headaches or tension. By releasing the blocked energies, a natural flow begins and the headaches or tension would be released.
Practitioners say that reflexology can be used to help in the healing of many types of ailments, including migraines, infertility, sports injuries, stress, back pain, arthritis, sleep problems, asthma and PMS. It is always best to seek medical advice before attending any alternative therapy session for an illness or injury.
In 1913 Dr. William Fitzgerald publicly announced he had discovered that by applying pressure to particular points of the body, pain was relieved within another part of the body. He also said that when applying pressure to these points, the function of particular organs improved. This theory of 'zone therapy' led to the development of what is now known as reflexology in the Western World.