Tissue Paper Crafts for Halloween
One of the most popular Halloween/treats is the tissue paper ghost! This is a great ghost, a ghost that loves lollypops! It is also very easy to make. You will need white tissue paper, markers, yarn, and a round lollypop. You can easily make a dozen of these crafts in a few minutes time. The first thing you will need to do is cut your white tissue paper into squares (about the size of a Kleenex.) Secondly, you will hold the lollypop in one hand and with the other cover it with the tissue paper carefully so it does not rip. Then you will need to tie a small piece of yarn around the base of the covered lollypop. You can add a bow if you would like at this point or just tie the yarn off and trim the excess away.
Next, using your markers give your ghost lollypop a face and you are all done. These treats are great for trick or treaters, school party treats, or to place in a shallow vase and set on your desk at work for co-workers.
Another wonderful tissue paper craft for Halloween is a pumpkin made out of round Styrofoam ball (small, medium, large, or extra large your choice.) Just cover the Styrofoam ball with orange tissue paper and decorate it. You can purchase your decorative items at any craft store or make them with assorted colors of tissue paper. This pumpkin can also serve as a lollypop treat holder. Once you have completed the pumpkin insert lollypops of any shape into the top!
Now, Halloween would not be complete without a witch so let us take a look at a tissue paper witch! You will need black tissue paper, clear drying glue, shears, and a Barbie doll (dollar store.) You are going to make a dress for your witch out of the black tissue paper the dress does not need to be fancy you can find a Barbie doll dress pattern online just simply use the pattern to create a dress made out of black tissue paper instead of fabric. You can glue it together and slip it on the doll or you can glue it to the doll. If you have trouble finding a pattern you can always make a wrap around style dress simply by wrapping the doll in the tissue paper. Now, do not forget the hat! To make the witch's hat you will need a piece of square paper about two inches by two inches fold the paper sideways so you have a half a triangle shape then place it on the witch's head and glue or tape the ends closed! If you want, a real authentic witch be sure to give her a mole with a brown magic marker, pick up a small black cat at any craft store, and glue it to the witch's leg or in her arms!
Tissue paper crafts for Halloween are so much fun to make and really put you in the Halloween spirit. You can make spiders, zombies (use a Barbie doll just like the witch), or anything you can think of.