Lose Weight Now And Keep It Off - How To Lose Belly Fat With 7 Proven Tips

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Everyone can lose weight but quite obviously a petite size 10 lady would have very little she could lose compared with a 200 pound gentleman measuring only 5 foot 9 inches in his stocking feet who would be greatly interested in how to lose belly fat.
The frustration many of us feel is watching the scales dropping for a few weeks only to reverse the trend as the pounds go back on.
To maintain a consistent weight loss involves a change of life style so if you were to lose weight now and reach your target weight then you need to stick to that regime if you want to lose that belly fat forever.
Follow these tips, if you have excess weight they will certainly help you to lose weight and with determination you can maintain that weight loss and lead a healthy life.
Breakfast Where better to start than with the first meal of the day, never miss it.
Research shows that people who eat breakfast are more likely to maintain a healthy weight than those that skip the meal.
Importantly eating breakfast gives your metabolism a kick start whilst missing it can cause your body to go in to a starvation mode resulting in the next food you consume being stored as fat.
Water Stay hydrated at all times, now I do not subscribe to the view that we must consume 6 to 8 litres per day, how much you consume depends entirely on the individual.
Check your urine throughout the day and if it a strong dark colour get water on board quickly, if it colourless then you are well hydrated.
Water acts as a natural appetite suppressant and helps your metabolism perform efficiently.
Drink a little and often.
Cardio Exerciser You must exercise regularly and particularly include cardio exercises.
You don't need to go to the gym just start running (or jogging), cycling, swimming climbing and at home a session digging the garden or some intense housework all counts.
You need to feel the burn to get the most from these exercises so put some effort in.
If you are completely out of condition and can only jog 100 metres to begin, do not let this put you off.
Measure your progress and aim for regular personal bests and that first 100 metres will soon become a mile.
Fruit and Veg Nothing new here but vitally important for a healthy body as they are packed full of nutrients and vitamins.
Most vegetables can be eaten raw and taste delicious but if you do cook be careful not to overcook and boil away the goodness, al dente is best.
Leave the skins on the vegetable for extra goodness.
Protein Eat foods high in protein, chicken breast or other lean meat, fish, (oily fish in particular which are rich in Omega 3 oils), low fat yoghurt all fit the bill.
Portion Sizes One thing to remember is that if you lose 1,000 calories every day but consume 1,005 your weight is only going in one direction so cut down on the size of your meals until you achieve your target weight.
You will then know how much you should be eating going forward.
Snacking This is where it can all go horribly wrong you follow your plan to the letter only to snack on cakes, chocolate, and potato crisps, please do not you will undo all the good you have achieved.
Snack on apples, berries, low fat yoghurt or try a raw carrot it is delicious.
This not a tip but a warning.
Processed Foods No! Never! So over to you with one final piece of advice which is be dedicated, consistent, determined and honest with yourself.
Miracles don't happen and you will not lose weight overnight.
Follow your plan and you will lose weight, I believe this is how to lose belly fat with these 7 proven tips.
Thank you for reading this article, Good Luck to You.
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