What Are the Multiple Methods of Administering Activated Charcoal?
The safest way to give activated charcoal in the instances of severe poisoning to an adult or child at home would be to first contact your poison control center who will give you the specific advice depending a person age of how much to orally give the person.
Most often, activated charcoal contains a mix of charcoal and liquid before you take it orally and swallow.
Often, if a patient is in the hospital, he or she will receive the charcoal through a feeding tube, which connects to the stomach through the throat.
Activated charcoal will absorb ipecac, so do not administer the two of them together.
In place of, use charcoal for about thirty to forty five minutes later.
For people that want to have insect bites and stings that burn and itch gone, a simple mix of adding water to activated charcoal and applying the pasty substance externally to the bite or itching area will bring quick relief.
For problems in the intestines such as bloating or gas, activated charcoal can be eaten.
People can eat activated charcoal tablets or capsules and wash it down with water or another drink.
If you don't want to take the tablets orally, you can smash them up and mix them in with your food.
Activated Charcoal Carbon can interfere with the absorption of vitamins or prescription medicine, so it is a good idea to wait at least two hours.
If the person who you want to give activated charcoal to has recently undergone surgery you definitely need to ask his or her physician.
Activated Charcoal Carbon should not be given mixed with foods that could interfere with the charcoal working properly.
These foods also include ice cream and chocolate syrups.