How to Unclog a Central Vac PVC
- 1). Turn the hose around the opposite way and attach it to the unit. Turn the unit on. This should cause the blockage to come back out the same way it went it.
- 2). Place your hand at the end of the hose to check the suction. If it is strong the blockage has been removed. If the suction is weak continue.
- 3). Turn the unit off and remove the PVC hose from the inlet.
- 4). Insert a garden hose or broom handle into one end of the hose. Push the handle or hose completely through the PVC hose to remove the blockage. Remove the handle or hose from the PVC hose.
- 5). Reattach the PVC hose to the vacuum unit. Turn the unit on and check the suction. If the suction is strong stop. If the suction is still weak continue.
- 6). Insert a central vacuum maintenance cloth through each inlet in the system. If the cloth is untouched by the system and is still in one piece laying inside the canister, move on to the next inlet. Repeat this until all inlets have been tested.
- 7). Plug in a second vacuum and begin vacuuming out each clogged inlet. This will remove any clogs in the system.