Built around the timeless music of ABBA, this show delivers high quality music and performances to delight audiences from all generations.
Have the information about Mamma Mia! you need to know before purchasing discount Mamma Mia! tickets for your crowd.
Storyline Story about a young girl, Sophie, about to walk down the aisle into wedded bliss.
As she nears the day of her nuptials, she gets an urge to learn the identity of her biological father.
Up to that point, all she knows is that her mother had relationships with three different men around the time she was conceived.
To solve the puzzle, she invites all three of these men to her wedding - without alerting her mother to her diabolical plan.
As one might imagine, this plot does not go all that smoothly, and both Sophie and her mother, Donna, are forced to search for truth to make sense of the situation.
The entire musical takes place on an exotic beach resort in the Mediterranean and revolves around the favorite hits of ABBA, such as "Dancing Queen" and "The Winner Takes it All.
" Audiences are encouraged to get out of their seats and dance in the aisles! Those who snag cheap Mamma Mia! tickets get to enjoy both a musical and a dance-along sensation.
Who Should See? This show is particularly appreciated by ABBA fans who will enjoy watching their best tunes performed so adeptly by the cast.
The upbeat music and energetic dancing also appeal to the younger crowd, although some of the mature themes might be difficult to explain to them.
Unlike much of the fare on Broadway this season, this production is decidedly upbeat and high-energy throughout, so you leave the theatre feeling as if you've been to an event rather than an ordeal.
What the Critics Say? "Fun" is one of the top words used to describe Mamma Mia! - both by professional theatre critics and audiences alike.
Bergen Record describes the musical, "In its own goofy, totally undemanding way, 'Mamma Mia!' is mostly a treat," and the New York Post said, "Mamma Mia! flies as tuneful as a lark and as smart as a cuckoo.
" This show gives you good, clean fun, even if it doesn't leave audiences pondering the meaning of life by the end.
If you are looking for a Broadway musical that makes you smile and tap your feet, then cheap Mamma Mia! tickets are for you! Now Playing You can find discount tickets at the Winter Garden Theatre on Broadway, Monday through Saturday nights.