Nutrition for Arthritis
- Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as mackerel, salmon and trout, have a mild anti-inflammatory effect and can help ease pain. You can also get your daily dosage of omega-3 through supplements that contain flaxseed and fish oils.
- According to the University of Washington, some diet plans and physicians suggest cutting out foods from the nightshade family, such as tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant, since they may aggravate arthritis. No scientific evidence supports removing nightshades from your diet, however.
- Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic doctors prescribe turmeric and ginger for pain, inflammation and stiffness. Turmeric, when used in combination with zinc or ginger, has proven to help people with arthritis. Nonetheless, it is important you do research or talk with a nutritionist or doctor before taking any supplements.
- If you have arthritis you should avoid consuming high-cholesterol, high-fat meat meats, as well as foods high in sugar and sodium. In addition, you should limit your intake of alcohol.
- While some doctors or diet plans advocate removing certain families of foods from your diet, every individual is different and, therefore, not everyone will derive the same benefit from that decision. It is important to be discerning when considering diets that claim to cure arthritis because there is usually little or no clinical evidence to support the claims.