Brew Beer - Save Money
Have you noticed how expensive beer is getting? I'm not talking just specialty beers, I'm talking about ALL beer. I think this trend of rising prices started with craft beers from microbreweries. These offerings are selling at $10 a pack and upward. The large commercial brewers saw the willingness of the general public to pay these higher prices and raised their prices accordingly. So what is the solution to this daunting problem?
Brew your own!
A typical beer ingredient kit costs about $40 bucks and makes two cases of beer. Do the math... that's $5 a six pack... I repeat, $5 a six pack. But wait, brewing beer requires equipment and that costs money doesn't it? OK, you got me, but you have to take two things into consideration here. First I consider the investment in equipment money spent on a hobby (not on the beer itself). Think about it; do you consider the cost of say golf clubs as part of a round of golf? Believe me the enjoyment you will get out of making your own home brewed delcious beer is well worth the investment in equipment. Not only will you enjoy the art and science of brewing your own beer, you will take tremendous pride in tasting it, sharing it with your friends and saying, "I made that!". Secondly even if you want to figure this equipment cost into your ultimate 6 pack price remember the more batches you make the less per pack this initial investment costs.
Brewing beer is a great hobby, it's something my wife and I do together. Even if your spouse is not into beer or brewing almost every good size town or city has a local brew club. Members get together and share tips on brewing, lessons learned and of course BEER. You can also enter your favorite creation in a local competition or competitions sponsored by major breweries. The recipe for a beer you have purchased at your local grocery store may have originated in a home brewer's garage. Several major breweries produce beers based on the home brew recipe of a beer that has won one of their sponsored competitions.
In conclusion brewing beer is both fun and economical. Come on, you know you love beer (why else would you be reading this article). You're going to buy beer again, again and again. Start saving money NOW by brewing your own.
Brew your own!
A typical beer ingredient kit costs about $40 bucks and makes two cases of beer. Do the math... that's $5 a six pack... I repeat, $5 a six pack. But wait, brewing beer requires equipment and that costs money doesn't it? OK, you got me, but you have to take two things into consideration here. First I consider the investment in equipment money spent on a hobby (not on the beer itself). Think about it; do you consider the cost of say golf clubs as part of a round of golf? Believe me the enjoyment you will get out of making your own home brewed delcious beer is well worth the investment in equipment. Not only will you enjoy the art and science of brewing your own beer, you will take tremendous pride in tasting it, sharing it with your friends and saying, "I made that!". Secondly even if you want to figure this equipment cost into your ultimate 6 pack price remember the more batches you make the less per pack this initial investment costs.
Brewing beer is a great hobby, it's something my wife and I do together. Even if your spouse is not into beer or brewing almost every good size town or city has a local brew club. Members get together and share tips on brewing, lessons learned and of course BEER. You can also enter your favorite creation in a local competition or competitions sponsored by major breweries. The recipe for a beer you have purchased at your local grocery store may have originated in a home brewer's garage. Several major breweries produce beers based on the home brew recipe of a beer that has won one of their sponsored competitions.
In conclusion brewing beer is both fun and economical. Come on, you know you love beer (why else would you be reading this article). You're going to buy beer again, again and again. Start saving money NOW by brewing your own.