5 Ways Your Money Story May Be Holding You Back From Living Your Most Joyous Path

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Isn't it wonderful that you inherited your beliefs about money, received societal programming, cultural conditioning, and then created experiences to illuminate the illusions that were shared with you? It's wonderful because the illusions that you inherited are there to support you in creating healing opportunities so that you can return to the universal truth about money and your divine birthright of infinite wealth and abundance on all levels.
In other words, you were not created to be in discord with money.
Just as you are a part of creation, so is money.
Any misalignment with this truth is simply illusion and keeps you from being at peace with all of creation, including yourself.
Give yourself a moment to take that in.
The illusions that you may be holding about money keep you from the truth of who you really are, what you are here to share, and what you are here to experience.
These illusions keep you playing small, so in healing these illusions you will be free to live as the expansive being of love/light that you are.
Are you ready to BE all that you are and were created to BE? Money *is* your healing tool.
It is not about the money, it is about how you transform and who you become, to create peace with the energy of money.
Really take a moment to be with that.
One of the keys to healing this relationship is to examine how you are using the excuse of money to protect you from stepping out into the world in a bigger way.
Once you are clear on how it is showing up right now, you are then free to choose how you will shift the energy.
Although there are many, here are 5 ways that your money story may be holding you back from living the life of your dreams: 1.
Putting your dreams on hold - You find yourself dreaming about all of the things that you wish to do but easily default to the statement, "but I don't have enough money!" If you allow yourself to dig deeper, what you may find is that you are afraid of how others may respond if they perceive that you have it all.
Or, you may be afraid to outgrow others/leave the tribe behind.
You may have a fear of losing it all, so to avoid disappointment, you avoid even trying (only to feel disappointed).
These are just some examples to consider.
What I do invite you to consider is how you *can* take one step in support of your dreams.
Staying stuck in icky situations - You find yourself in a job or a relationship that is not serving you, or may even be abusive in some way, but..
you've convinced yourself that you need to stay because there's not enough money or that you need the money.
What I've learned over the years, having served thousands of people, is that these situations do not get better..
ever! And..
that it's not about the money.
We need to shift inside and declare that we are no longer prepared to settle for less than we are worth.
It is only when this happens that the energies shift and opportunities open up.
So, healing self-worth and self-esteem are a high priority here.
Can you relate? 3.
Chronic debt - You find yourself listing all of the things that you can't do because of debt.
Although debt is a complex energy, it ultimately is a protector and keeps us small and from experiencing that which we desire.
When our mindset creates limitations about what we can and cannot do, this will always show up in our money story.
How are you doing in this and how can you release limitation so that you can expand into all that you are? 4.
Not allowing support - When you are not allowing, you are not receiving.
When we believe that we need to be the lone ranger, or we don't trust support that comes to us, our money has a ceiling.
The truth is that money wants to provide for us, so it is only when we activate the energy of allowing, and align with the receptive nature of the divine feminine that we can shift our money story.
How can you shift your receptivity muscle to support you in this moment? 5.
Sabotaging business - This shows up when expenses are not managed, overspending occurs, there is no marketing to sustain the business and attract new clients and customers, actions are not take to support the growth of your business (and so much more).
I can't even tell you how many entrepreneurs that I've worked with who set themselves up and reinforce the "I have no money" mantra which only serves to keep repeating more of the same.
It actually pains me to see how many talented souls are out there trying to get their business of the ground or keep their business afloat, but feel like they are failing because their unhealed money story is getting in the way.
Believe me when I say that you are not alone.
In fact it pains me so much that all of my coaching programs have this component as an essential module since any business will not succeed if there is an unhealthy money story that is sabotaging it's success.
This is why I am launching my sacred mastermind in May as it's my mission to support as many highly-conscious business owners as I can to make quantum leaps in their business and embrace the divine energy of money so that they can serve in an even bigger way.
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