Income Tax Going Higher Today - They Spend We Pay
President Obama and other politicians have promised that this health care spending bill will be paid for without raising taxes.
That is absolute nonsense furthermore, every time the government spends money they spend over 45% in the administration of the money that they spent.
This means that whatever estimated costs that they promised you can add 45% to it.
Furthermore, all federal government programs and government agencies grow, they are very rarely cut or downsized like corporations.
This means what costs $100 billion today, really cost $145 billion tomorrow, but directly after that it will be doubled and tripled.
So, currently conservative estimates for Obama's health care program appeared to be $3 trillion over 10 years.
But, if we had 45% to that and then double and triple it over the ten-year period it will be a runaway cost just like the cost of Medicare, or our Social Security obligations.
To keep the program going there will have to be higher income taxes.
There is simply no other way.
Income taxes will go higher, Congress will continue to spend, and we will continue to pay, as well as children and our grandchildren.
For anyone else to tell us otherwise is simply poppycock, we've been here before and we've been promised similar things from previous politicians.
Some of these previous politicians go back some three or four decades, and guess what they continue to give us the same line of nonsense and they are still in office.
Believe it? Please consider all this.