Raising Twins to Be Thankful
Happy November! It is so hard to believe that we are in the final two months of the year.
It feels like yesterday we were watching the flowers grow and swimming in the pools; now, we are wearing long sleeve jackets and walking past Santa at the mall.
These next 7 weeks leading up to Christmas always seem like a whirlwind, especially if you are traveling for any of the holidays, that just makes it even more crazy.
So, we decided to stop right now and reflect on all the gifts we have in our life.
In our house, being thankful is something we talk about daily.
When we pray before dinner and also before the twins go to bed at night, we each take a turn and say one thing we are thankful for that happened that day.
It is always so interesting to listen to what everyone says, the twins have said things like, "my new DVD" or "my favorite stuffed animal" but they have also gone deeper and said "I am thankful for my mom and dad and sister/brother", and "I am thankful for this great dinner.
" By sharing one thing we are all thankful for each day makes us very much aware that we shouldn't take anything for granted.
Taking turns sharing what we are thankful for is a really good thing for the twins to hear from us as well.
Setting an example when raising twins is so important and having them learn from an early age that we are all thankful for something teaches them to appreciate things now and as they get older.
In addition to sharing at dinner what we are thankful for, we have also created a "thankful board" in our kitchen.
It is a picture frame with a piece of fancy paper behind it that we can each take a turn to write on and share what we are thankful for each day.
So let me ask you this, what are you thankful for? When is the last time you stopped and shared with your family what you are thankful for? On November 1st, I started posting one thing I was thankful for each day on my Facebook page.
Some days there are "big" things to be thankful for, my husband, our health, our twins, but other days there are smaller things to be thankful for, like brussell sprouts, and drinking coffee each morning, and reading a book in peace and quiet.
One isn't more important than any other, it is just different things we run into each day.
Because without the little things, the big things would seem less.
Have a great day!
It feels like yesterday we were watching the flowers grow and swimming in the pools; now, we are wearing long sleeve jackets and walking past Santa at the mall.
These next 7 weeks leading up to Christmas always seem like a whirlwind, especially if you are traveling for any of the holidays, that just makes it even more crazy.
So, we decided to stop right now and reflect on all the gifts we have in our life.
In our house, being thankful is something we talk about daily.
When we pray before dinner and also before the twins go to bed at night, we each take a turn and say one thing we are thankful for that happened that day.
It is always so interesting to listen to what everyone says, the twins have said things like, "my new DVD" or "my favorite stuffed animal" but they have also gone deeper and said "I am thankful for my mom and dad and sister/brother", and "I am thankful for this great dinner.
" By sharing one thing we are all thankful for each day makes us very much aware that we shouldn't take anything for granted.
Taking turns sharing what we are thankful for is a really good thing for the twins to hear from us as well.
Setting an example when raising twins is so important and having them learn from an early age that we are all thankful for something teaches them to appreciate things now and as they get older.
In addition to sharing at dinner what we are thankful for, we have also created a "thankful board" in our kitchen.
It is a picture frame with a piece of fancy paper behind it that we can each take a turn to write on and share what we are thankful for each day.
So let me ask you this, what are you thankful for? When is the last time you stopped and shared with your family what you are thankful for? On November 1st, I started posting one thing I was thankful for each day on my Facebook page.
Some days there are "big" things to be thankful for, my husband, our health, our twins, but other days there are smaller things to be thankful for, like brussell sprouts, and drinking coffee each morning, and reading a book in peace and quiet.
One isn't more important than any other, it is just different things we run into each day.
Because without the little things, the big things would seem less.
Have a great day!