What are the signs and treatments available for Chlamydia

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What is chlamydia?
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection.

Symptoms of Chlamydia differ between men and women:

Women's chlamydia symptoms:
Pain when urinating (like a burning sensation)
Lower abdomen pain (i.e. In both the pelvic and stomach areas)
An unusual vaginal discharge and also bleeding (particularly after sexual intercourse)
Longer and heavier periods than you would normally have
Pain during sexual intercourse

Men's chlamydia symptoms:
Painful and swollen testicles
An unusual milky urethral discharge from the penis
Pain when urinating (like a burning sensation)
An irritating itching feeling in the genital area
Mild irritation at the tip of the penis

Note: It is possible to have chlamydia without experiencing any symptoms at all. This is why it is very important that, if you do receive a confirmed diagnosis that you have chlamydia, you should suggest to your partner or any previous sexual partners that they too arrange to see their GP.

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection which is usually passed on during unprotected vaginal, oral or anal sex. If you have any genital contact with an infected person (e.g., your partner, or a previous partner), or have shared sex toys, you can also become infected in this way, or pass the infection on. With chlamydia, a bacterium called Chlamydia trachomatis develops in the vagina, penis and rectum. This is then passed from one person to another through vaginal fluids and male sperm.

If you are suffering from the aforementioned symptoms, or if you have had sexual intercourse with someone who you suspect may have the disease, it is important to make an appointment to see your GP immediately. Alternatively, you can also go to your local Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) Clinic or Family Planning Clinic for tests.

After taking your medical history and asking you some questions about your symptoms, a doctor or nurse will carry out tests to achieve a confirmed diagnosis. This usually entails a swab from your vagina or the tip of your penis.

You may also be asked to provide a urine sample.

Where chlamydia may have occurred as a result of oral or anal sex, a throat or rectal swab will be used.

Effect on your life
If chlamydia is treated in time, your symptoms will clear up quickly. However, if left untreated chlamydia can have a negative impact upon both female and male fertility.

Chlamydia is usually successfully treated with a two-week course of antibiotics. Ensure that you take the full course even if your symptoms ease within that time. To avoid becoming re-infected with chlamydia, do not have sex during this time.

How Chemist Online can help
Through this website we have a range of condoms available to buy.


As we have seen, an associated symptom of chlamydia in women is pain in the lower abdomen (the pelvic area). We have a range of painkilling remedies available to buy to help you to manage this.

Advice & Support
The National Chlamydia Screening Programme
Tel: 0800 567 123
Website: www.chlamydiascreening.nhs.uk

Family Planning Association (fpa)
Tel: 0845 122 8690 (9am–6pm Monday–Friday)
Website: www.fpa.org.uk

British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH)
Tel: 020 7290 2968
Website: www.bashh.org

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