Getting Ready to Change to a Low Glycemic Index Diet
Now that you know why having a low glycemic index diet or low GI diet is better for your health and appearance, here comes the next step.
Making that change.
Making the actual change may seem like a daunting, if not impossible, task.
Especially if you love all things sweet or carbo-loaded.
Do not worry though because once you get to that point wherein you are actually into the program, you will look and feel so much better that you'll wonder why it took you so long to do so.
But the hardest step is actually making that change.
Why Stepping Up Is So Hard The number one reason why you will have a hard time making that step is because you are so used to a certain diet, albeit an unhealthy one.
As with anything in life that is difficult to achieve, you have to really desire it.
This will ensure that you will stay on this path, even if the going gets tough.
There are several ways to implement a diet change in your life, and it really depends on the type of person you are.
Some work best with drastic changes, while others prefer a gradual change.
It is just a matter of deciding which method you prefer.
Going Cold Turkey Introducing a drastic, quick change in your diet is often what people try, because it eliminates bad habits right now.
However, many people consider it like going 'cold turkey' from bad foods.
One technique is to throw or give away all the high GI food around you.
Just don't eat them all at once! Prepare your checklist of low GI foods and buy only that.
Then you can start living your new lifestyle of healthy cooking and eating with the low GI foods that you bought.
Going Slow Others prefer to go slow and steady.
But for some, deciding to go slow just makes them susceptible to cheating and putting off the big change.
But this technique can be quite effective if done correctly.
The first and necessary step is to incorporate low GI foods into your diet a little at the time.
When you start to see the benefits of this, you will want to go all out.
Why Make the Change? Regardless of which technique you choose, you have to do it.
Do not think of it as a painful procedure, but one that will lead you to a better you.
Make sure that you're ready for the change you're implementing when you make the choice to eat low glycemic index food, and stick to the plan.
Not only for your health, but really for the quality of your life.
Making that change.
Making the actual change may seem like a daunting, if not impossible, task.
Especially if you love all things sweet or carbo-loaded.
Do not worry though because once you get to that point wherein you are actually into the program, you will look and feel so much better that you'll wonder why it took you so long to do so.
But the hardest step is actually making that change.
Why Stepping Up Is So Hard The number one reason why you will have a hard time making that step is because you are so used to a certain diet, albeit an unhealthy one.
As with anything in life that is difficult to achieve, you have to really desire it.
This will ensure that you will stay on this path, even if the going gets tough.
There are several ways to implement a diet change in your life, and it really depends on the type of person you are.
Some work best with drastic changes, while others prefer a gradual change.
It is just a matter of deciding which method you prefer.
Going Cold Turkey Introducing a drastic, quick change in your diet is often what people try, because it eliminates bad habits right now.
However, many people consider it like going 'cold turkey' from bad foods.
One technique is to throw or give away all the high GI food around you.
Just don't eat them all at once! Prepare your checklist of low GI foods and buy only that.
Then you can start living your new lifestyle of healthy cooking and eating with the low GI foods that you bought.
Going Slow Others prefer to go slow and steady.
But for some, deciding to go slow just makes them susceptible to cheating and putting off the big change.
But this technique can be quite effective if done correctly.
The first and necessary step is to incorporate low GI foods into your diet a little at the time.
When you start to see the benefits of this, you will want to go all out.
Why Make the Change? Regardless of which technique you choose, you have to do it.
Do not think of it as a painful procedure, but one that will lead you to a better you.
Make sure that you're ready for the change you're implementing when you make the choice to eat low glycemic index food, and stick to the plan.
Not only for your health, but really for the quality of your life.