The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Solar Power Systems In The Home
Over the years we as a nation have made and saved power by harnessing wind, water and solar power.
There are many advantages and disadvantages of solar power use, and it has been estimated by the United States Department of Energy that if we covered one-hundred square miles of desert with solar panels, the electricity gathered would be enough to power the entire nation with its daily requirement! The problem is in how we would harness and then distribute all this energy - so this where residential solar panels step in.
Advantages The advantages received with a residential solar panel installation are significant.
For one thing, solar panels can be used for quite a long time - many manufacturers estimate a good twenty years of continual usage before the need will arise for replacement.
This means that once installed, there is very little maintenance involved, beyond possible battery replacement for models that use them.
Also, unlike the installation and use of diesel or gas power generators, solar panels are completely quiet while supplying electricity to the home.
In fact, many users of solar energy report forgetting the panels are even there, working on producing energy for their home.
Of course, over time the solar panel system will save the owner extra money because you no longer have to spend so much on high electrical bills.
This is one of the biggest benefits for those who own a home solar system.
On the Flip Side of Solar Power Unfortunately, there are also some disadvantages to the installation and use of residential solar power systems.
The big one for many is the initial price, which typically is about $32,000 for the proper installation to the home.
And once installed, the system is there for good - if you decide to move, the system cannot come with you - it becomes a permanent fixture of the home.
Also, if the need ever arises for the replacement or repair of roof tiles, the panels will need to be taken down, the repairs to the roof made, and then the panels reinstalled by a qualified electrician.
Large Appliances Another downside to solar panels is how they will not produce enough energy for devices that require a lot of electricity to run, such as the home's hot water heater and electric range.
This in turn means still needing to pay the electric company for some service, although much less than before.
The final disadvantage of solar panels is how several types cannot stand up to hail or extreme weather too well - due to this, it is recommended to find an insurance policy that will cover any damages by fire and weather to your solar system.
As you can see, there are both advantages and disadvantages of solar power in residential usage.
However, if you take precautions and keep yourself informed, home solar panel systems can be a great investment for you and your family.