Asthma Attack - What to Do When it Comes
An asthma attack can be severe and it can happen when you least expect it.
For people who are caring for children or older folks, knowing what to do in case of an asthma attack, especially at night is of utmost importance.
Although majority of asthma flare-ups are mild, there are also some attacks that are quite severe, turning patients blue due to the difficulty of getting proper amount of oxygen into the body.
The first thing that you need to keep in mind if you or your kid has asthma is to be always prepared.
Make sure that you teach your child what to do during an asthma attack.
Also, you have to make sure that an inhaler is always available.
It is hard to predict when an asthma attack will take place so it is better to be sure than sorry.
Aside from carrying an inhaler with you all the time, you also need to make sure that the inhaler you have has not expired yet or that it still has enough contents.
An inhaler that is empty (or expired) will not be able to help in easing the tightening of the muscles around your air passageways.
Another important step to do, if you are having an asthma attack is to sit down and loosen the parts of your clothes that are tight around your neck area.
Make sure to loosen neckties and scarves and unbutton your shirt or blouse.
Sometimes, one puff of inhaler cannot allay a severe attack.
If you did not experience relief with one puff, do not be afraid to continue taking one more puff per minute for the next five minutes until you find some relief.
If you find that your symptoms are not improving after five minutes, then it is time for you to dial 911 or call your physician immediately.
It is important that you continue to take a puff at your inhaler every minute until the doctor or emergency specialists arrive.
In most cases, an inhaler is just what you need to relieve an attack.
However, there are also some instances when asthma flare-ups are a matter of life and death.
If you think that your symptoms, which include breathlessness, tightening of the chest, wheezing, and coughing, are getting worse do not be afraid to go to the doctor or a hospital, even during the wee hours in the morning.
Also, once you have an asthma attack, be prepared for another bout of flare-ups to come in the next hours or days.
For people who are caring for children or older folks, knowing what to do in case of an asthma attack, especially at night is of utmost importance.
Although majority of asthma flare-ups are mild, there are also some attacks that are quite severe, turning patients blue due to the difficulty of getting proper amount of oxygen into the body.
The first thing that you need to keep in mind if you or your kid has asthma is to be always prepared.
Make sure that you teach your child what to do during an asthma attack.
Also, you have to make sure that an inhaler is always available.
It is hard to predict when an asthma attack will take place so it is better to be sure than sorry.
Aside from carrying an inhaler with you all the time, you also need to make sure that the inhaler you have has not expired yet or that it still has enough contents.
An inhaler that is empty (or expired) will not be able to help in easing the tightening of the muscles around your air passageways.
Another important step to do, if you are having an asthma attack is to sit down and loosen the parts of your clothes that are tight around your neck area.
Make sure to loosen neckties and scarves and unbutton your shirt or blouse.
Sometimes, one puff of inhaler cannot allay a severe attack.
If you did not experience relief with one puff, do not be afraid to continue taking one more puff per minute for the next five minutes until you find some relief.
If you find that your symptoms are not improving after five minutes, then it is time for you to dial 911 or call your physician immediately.
It is important that you continue to take a puff at your inhaler every minute until the doctor or emergency specialists arrive.
In most cases, an inhaler is just what you need to relieve an attack.
However, there are also some instances when asthma flare-ups are a matter of life and death.
If you think that your symptoms, which include breathlessness, tightening of the chest, wheezing, and coughing, are getting worse do not be afraid to go to the doctor or a hospital, even during the wee hours in the morning.
Also, once you have an asthma attack, be prepared for another bout of flare-ups to come in the next hours or days.