How to Make Symbols on Friendship Bracelets
- 1). Bundle three or more pieces of twine or thread of the same length together. Tie a knot in one end leaving a 1-inch tail. Tape the tail to a flat surface to prevent it from slipping while you work.
- 2). Braid or weave the threads together in a pattern. When you get to the midway point of the bracelet, string a bead on that reflects a symbol. Some examples include a heart-shaped bead, a bead with a peace sign on it, or beads with numbers that you can string on to honor a special date or lucky number.
- 3). Continue braiding or weaving until there is about an inch remaining.
- 4). String a symbol of good luck on the remaining strands of the bracelet, such as a seashell or horseshoe pendant, if you prefer a dangling symbol over a centered bead. Put the threads through the eyelet of a charm or hole in a small seashell and tie a knot to keep it in place.