Each and Every Moment of Life is to be Enjoyed
As you rush about your day of living and working, it may seem that every second is consumed with your job or business, housework or yardwork. A common perception is that only weekends or holidays are times when you can take a break and enjoy the simple things in life. I bet you've heard colleagues at work moan on a Monday that they wish Friday would hurry up and arrive. I'm suggesting you begin looking for little things to make your days at work fun and pleasurable.
Think about it. Each day of your life is made up of moments, and these moments are never repeated, I challenge you to start living and enjoying every moment. This was something I would remind myself of each morning as I took the bus ride to the office before I started working from my home office. If I was to spend between 8 and 10 hours away from home, then I sure as heck was going to make the most of my day and inject some fun into it.
Here are a few things that helped me to begin appreciating and enjoying each and every moment when I worked in the corporate world, moving through to the present as I've adapted to my home business lifestyle.
Appreciating public transport. I was so thankful I didn't have to tackle peak hour traffic. The bus driver was my limousine driver as far as I was concerned. While he dealt with traffic lights and changing lanes, I got to enjoy the sights. At times I would read a newly acquired self-improvement or personal development book. What a great opportunity to learn something new. Many wonderful books were consumed during those hours of travel.
Injecting humour into someone's day. I will confess, I am a self-contained entertainment unit so I don't have to go far to enjoy a laugh or create some fun. It just happens effortlessly. My little mission each day was to at least bring a smile to someone's face before they left my presence. It was a win-win situation all round.. happier people produced higher quality results. Simple as that.
Retaining child-like wonder and allowing myself to be amazed. Working for a construction company provided endless opportunities to be amazed. Those massive machines are the real deal when it comes to labour-saving devices. I would take 10 minutes out of my day and watch as cranes lifted and piling rigs drilled. Another "wow" moment as a huge front-end loader dropped a load of soil into a waiting truck. It would have taken me 65 wheelbarrow loads to move that much dirt!
Observing a beautiful sunrise. Yes, this is an absolute plus for me these days. I'm a morning person and I live on acreage with the most breathtaking views of endless green fields and the stunning Yambla Ranges. The sunrises can take your breath away. How grateful I am to be able to sit quietly and experience 20 minutes of vivid changes of colour and cloud formation.
Lessons learned from my four-legged friends. The neighbouring farm raises alpacas and I can see them from my office window. It's spring right now and so there are lots of baby alpacas tearing around and having fun. No video games, no TV, just lots of space and a simple game of chasing. On my property I have cows and I find it so relaxing to watch these large bovines go about their day. They're not concerned with world news or how their hair looks. They just "be" cows.
Touching base with nature. Taking in some sunshine, bush-walking or getting my hands dirty in the garden are great ways to unwind and get life in perspective. I've often come up with a solution that just didn't seem to exist when I was sitting at my computer.
Life really is a big adventure, and every day is filled with lots of opportunities to observe, learn and participate. Allow yourself the simple pleasure of all the in-between times, and enjoy each and every moment.
Think about it. Each day of your life is made up of moments, and these moments are never repeated, I challenge you to start living and enjoying every moment. This was something I would remind myself of each morning as I took the bus ride to the office before I started working from my home office. If I was to spend between 8 and 10 hours away from home, then I sure as heck was going to make the most of my day and inject some fun into it.
Here are a few things that helped me to begin appreciating and enjoying each and every moment when I worked in the corporate world, moving through to the present as I've adapted to my home business lifestyle.
Appreciating public transport. I was so thankful I didn't have to tackle peak hour traffic. The bus driver was my limousine driver as far as I was concerned. While he dealt with traffic lights and changing lanes, I got to enjoy the sights. At times I would read a newly acquired self-improvement or personal development book. What a great opportunity to learn something new. Many wonderful books were consumed during those hours of travel.
Injecting humour into someone's day. I will confess, I am a self-contained entertainment unit so I don't have to go far to enjoy a laugh or create some fun. It just happens effortlessly. My little mission each day was to at least bring a smile to someone's face before they left my presence. It was a win-win situation all round.. happier people produced higher quality results. Simple as that.
Retaining child-like wonder and allowing myself to be amazed. Working for a construction company provided endless opportunities to be amazed. Those massive machines are the real deal when it comes to labour-saving devices. I would take 10 minutes out of my day and watch as cranes lifted and piling rigs drilled. Another "wow" moment as a huge front-end loader dropped a load of soil into a waiting truck. It would have taken me 65 wheelbarrow loads to move that much dirt!
Observing a beautiful sunrise. Yes, this is an absolute plus for me these days. I'm a morning person and I live on acreage with the most breathtaking views of endless green fields and the stunning Yambla Ranges. The sunrises can take your breath away. How grateful I am to be able to sit quietly and experience 20 minutes of vivid changes of colour and cloud formation.
Lessons learned from my four-legged friends. The neighbouring farm raises alpacas and I can see them from my office window. It's spring right now and so there are lots of baby alpacas tearing around and having fun. No video games, no TV, just lots of space and a simple game of chasing. On my property I have cows and I find it so relaxing to watch these large bovines go about their day. They're not concerned with world news or how their hair looks. They just "be" cows.
Touching base with nature. Taking in some sunshine, bush-walking or getting my hands dirty in the garden are great ways to unwind and get life in perspective. I've often come up with a solution that just didn't seem to exist when I was sitting at my computer.
Life really is a big adventure, and every day is filled with lots of opportunities to observe, learn and participate. Allow yourself the simple pleasure of all the in-between times, and enjoy each and every moment.