What You Need to Know About Bacterial Vaginosis Yeast Infection
As a female, you may want to know the different symptoms of this particular health condition.
The truth is, there are only a few symptoms of bacterial vaginosis yeast infection.
You may experience some form of discomfort down in your vagina.
You may finally feel that you itch on that part.
In addition to this, you may also observe a vaginal discharge that has a foul scent.
This health condition results to inflammation and thus, medication is badly required.
What causes bacterial vaginosis yeast infection? There are several things that may cause this health condition.
The first thing to bear in mind is that change in the vaginal environment is what leads to this.
This may be brought by hormonal changes, use of any douches or even through engaging to sexual intercourse.
This condition is quite typical for majority of women.
The very prominent error that majority of females do is to try to address the problem with the use of over the counter drugs.
These women usually perceive that what they have is what is termed as a yeast infection.
This condition is what may actually be cured by over the counter medications.
While it is some sort of infection caused by yeast, since there is the presence of bacteria, it will only respond and be entirely cured with the use of antibiotics, which are prescribed.
Making use of over the counter drugs will never be successful.
There are a couple of things that physicians and healthcare professionals have directly associated to this.
These are those individuals who claim that the usage of some type of medications can also lead to this condition.
HIV and diabetes for instance are some types of illnesses that may cause to this condition as well.
There are also other factors that may be identified as a cause.
Scratches in the vaginal area as well as birth control and tight underwear are some of these factors.
If you are experiencing infections that are recurrent, you must consult your physician about this as soon as possible.
You may also need to check at all the stuff that has been going on in your everyday routine in order to identify the cause.
Females are said to suffer at least a single episode of the infection prior to menopause.
This condition is said to be the most typical vaginal infection that affects about 10 to 64 percent of the entire female population.