How to Catch Bass Like a Pro
While bass angling can seem at first like a simple task, for those who want to make catching bass more than just an act of serendipity, it is important to study the fish itself, and modify technique as well as choose the correct bait to lure the bass to your hook.
In this article, we will discuss the unique challenges of the bass fishing, and offer three bait options which you can start using immediately to help you increase your bass haul.
When you are finished reading, you will have all the information you need to consistently draw bass to your hook.
If you want to catch bass like a pro, you need to understand the fish.
Bass live for the hunt, and they like to lay in wait for their prey and ambush.
As a result they will seek cover in order to execute the most effective ambush.
For anglers, that makes it essential to fish near cover that bass like, in order to put your line where the bass is most likely to be.
In this way, you will put yourself in a high target environment, and increase your likelihood of catching more bass.
In addition to fishing in the appropriate location, it is important to use the right bait.
However, before you bait your hook, you want to make sure not to wash your hands in pungent soaps.
Any unnatural order will transfer from your fingers to the bait, and bass have very good noses.
If your bait smells weird, the bass won't bite.
It may not be a bad idea to rinse your hands in the water outside of the boat in order to make your hands smell exactly like the bass's natural environment.
Once you are certain that you are not transferring unnatural smells to your bait, the next step is to choose a bait that will tempt the bass.
There are three types of bait that bass like: live bait, realistic lures, and plastic worms.
Whatever kind of bass you are fishing for -- whether it is smallmouth or large mouth lake bass -- live bait is probably your best bet to catch huge quantities of large bass.
You can also try live crayfish, but these are harder to find than the more common shad or shiners.
It is also important, especially when using shiners or shad, to handle them in the correct way.
Live bait needs a plentiful amount of oxygen and minimal temperature change in the water.
You want your bait to be as energetic as possible so that it tempts the bass.
For those who prefer not to use live bait, there are realistic fishing lures.
If you choose this kind of lure you want to make sure to get the most realistic version possible.
For example, an excellent bass lure is the KickTail Minnow.
Its resemblance to a live shad is uncanny.
Other good realistic lures include the Storm "Wildeye" swim bait and the Rapela.
Probably the most common type of bait for catching bass is the plastic worm.
It is important to become a student of the techniques of using the plastic worm if you intend to be an excellent bass fisher.
For ease, consider the Texas rig.
You may also want to try the swimming rig, which is effective near weed beds and boat docks.
As a rule, you don't want to neglect plastic worms as they can be quite effective in catching bass.
Ultimately, when it comes to know how to catch bass like a pro, the key is practice.
Keep your line in the water as much as possible.
Bass fishing is an art, and like any art it requires many hours honing ones skills.
So go fishing.