Techniques to Make Quick Money Writing Articles
However, there are techniques that you can use to make some quick money writing articles. From time to time, certain niches will capture the public's attention and there will be a flurry of interest in that sector. If you discover the trend, you can make some quick money with your articles. Following are several ways to profit writing articles:
It all starts out by doing some research. Look for niches (or products) that everyone is talking about. Forums are a good place to find this type of information. Hang out in these forums and look for postings that have a large number of responses. Read through a number of these items. If it related to a single product or niche, you may have found an exploitable subject.
You can also find hot products doing research on Ebay. Search for popular products that have sold well during the past 2 weeks. If you find several products that are selling really well and are related to a common theme, you may have found a hot area to exploit with your articles.
Lastly, check your bulk emails. This is one my favorite (and easiest) ways to find hot topics. When you see an explosion of emails on one subject, it is a pretty good bet that the niche is hot.
Once you find a hot topic, do research to find an affiliate program that is offering a product in the same area. Research the topic so that you can write knowledgably about the subject. Develop effective article titles using keyword research. Make sure to include two or more keywords in each title, because you will want the search engines to pick up your article. Write five to ten articles on the subject. Submit one to two articles per day to the largest article directory sites. Make sure your article contains a link to the affiliate program you found previously. Or, you can direct readers to your site and re-direct them to the affiliate program from there.
If the niche remains hot for some time, you can make a fair amount of money from this technique.