Mid-day Meal Scheme Implementation By Akshaya Patra
Akshaya Patra implements the mid-day meal scheme by operating in a Public-Private Partnership model. The NGO receives support from the Central and various State Governments in the form of grants and subsidies. The remaining expense is met by the contributions from generous and thoughtful donors. The mid-day meal scheme acts like an incentive for the children of lower economic sector to come to school. The meal is like a hope for the underserved children that if not all the three meals, at least they will receive one wholesome meal if they are at school. Akshaya Patra has realised that for the same reason the mid-day meal scheme acts as an incentive for the parents also to send their children to school. Once the children are at school, they benefit from both education and food.
It's true that an empty stomach only thinks about food thereby making education a secondary factor. And this hunger pushes children to go out to earn a square meal. The mid-day meal scheme provides free school lunch to Government school children and this food gives children the strength to learn and grow. As a citizen you too can be a part of eliminating hunger and propagating education for the young hearts. Donate to NGO to feed the children. Akshaya Patra knows the significance of each penny. Thus it steers 84% of its total income towards meeting the mid-day meal scheme cost. One can donate to NGO either through online donation mode or offline donation mode. In both instances, the donor will receive 100% tax exemption for any donation amount of more than Rs. 500. Besides donation a supporter can also to organise fundraising events for Akshaya Patra. Fundraise with us, Fundraising ideas and Get involved will give further insights on fundraising activities. Each support counts in shaping up the future of millions of underserved children.
Donate to NGO to feed and educate the millions of dream filled hearts who awaits your care.