How to Paint Without Using Painter's Tape
- 1). Fill your bucket with 1 to 2 inches of paint.
- 2). Dip your angled paint brush about 1/2 inch into the paint. Use the sides of the bucket to brush off most of the paint so that the brush is nearly dry.
- 3). Hold the paint brush like a pencil with your dominant hand. Place the longest bristles of the angled brush at the line you are painting. The line is where the wall meets what you do not want painted, such as the moldings.
- 4). Stroke the wall with the angled brush by running the longest bristle tips along the line for about 1 to 3 inches and then curving in a crescent away from the line. This is called "cutting in."
- 5). Continue the crescent strokes until the length of the line has been painted, slightly overlapping each stroke.
- 6). Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each line in the area to be painted or for any additional coats.