Types Of Mucous You Will See During Your Menstrual Cycle
The menstrual cycle is an important part of a woman's reproductive system.
It is therefore important for every woman to be aware of the symptoms associated with her cycle.
This is important as it enables a woman to be in control of her life especially as far as her health is concerned.
The type of mucous in a woman's reproductive system is a good indication of the various stages in a woman's menstrual cycle and thus knowing the types of mucous to be expected is useful in helping a woman take control of her life especially as far as getting pregnant is concerned.
At the start of the cycle, you will notice that there will be either little or no mucous in your cervix.
This is usually the period before you start ovulating.
You will also note this dryness during the period right before your periods start.
Experiencing dryness in the cervix is absolutely not a sign of any abnormality and thus there is usually no cause for alarm.
It is good to note the level of dryness in a chart and the time that it happens for future references and for the sake of keeping track of your reproductive health.
During your cycle, you will notice that the cervical mucus changes in its stickiness.
With time you will notice that your mucous will feel sticky to your fingers when touched.
This is usually an indication of approaching ovulation.
It is important to note this stage down because it is an indication of the impending period within which you will be at the peak of your fertility.
As the ovulating period approaches, you will notice a thickening of the mucus secreted in the cervix.
When the secretion resembles a lotion, it is an indication of the fact that you are about to start ovulating.
Given the fact that sperms can survive up to 5 days inside a woman, this is the period around which your chances of getting pregnant will be at a peak.
The mucus is usually described as creamy at this stage.
Egg-white is the name given to the type of mucus that you will see when you are actually ovulating.
The mucus at this stage is usually stretchy, clear and slippery.
It is a clear sign that ovulation is actually taking place.
A watery cervical mucus secretion usually occurs right before or during ovulation.
It is usually less viscous than the egg-white secretion that normally occurs during ovulation.
It is therefore important for every woman to be aware of the symptoms associated with her cycle.
This is important as it enables a woman to be in control of her life especially as far as her health is concerned.
The type of mucous in a woman's reproductive system is a good indication of the various stages in a woman's menstrual cycle and thus knowing the types of mucous to be expected is useful in helping a woman take control of her life especially as far as getting pregnant is concerned.
At the start of the cycle, you will notice that there will be either little or no mucous in your cervix.
This is usually the period before you start ovulating.
You will also note this dryness during the period right before your periods start.
Experiencing dryness in the cervix is absolutely not a sign of any abnormality and thus there is usually no cause for alarm.
It is good to note the level of dryness in a chart and the time that it happens for future references and for the sake of keeping track of your reproductive health.
During your cycle, you will notice that the cervical mucus changes in its stickiness.
With time you will notice that your mucous will feel sticky to your fingers when touched.
This is usually an indication of approaching ovulation.
It is important to note this stage down because it is an indication of the impending period within which you will be at the peak of your fertility.
As the ovulating period approaches, you will notice a thickening of the mucus secreted in the cervix.
When the secretion resembles a lotion, it is an indication of the fact that you are about to start ovulating.
Given the fact that sperms can survive up to 5 days inside a woman, this is the period around which your chances of getting pregnant will be at a peak.
The mucus is usually described as creamy at this stage.
Egg-white is the name given to the type of mucus that you will see when you are actually ovulating.
The mucus at this stage is usually stretchy, clear and slippery.
It is a clear sign that ovulation is actually taking place.
A watery cervical mucus secretion usually occurs right before or during ovulation.
It is usually less viscous than the egg-white secretion that normally occurs during ovulation.