Standing Your Ground
It's getting harder and harder to stand your ground and to stand up for what you believe in these days.
If you belong to any social networks you will notice that if you do not agree with people they will no longer be your friend or sign up for your tweeter alerts.
But I ask you are those really the types of friends you want? Groucho Marx used to say; "Why Would I Join a Group That Would Have Me As a Member?" Meaning if you have to give up yourself and what you "stand for" to be a member of a group then you have given up yourself, and any group that would make you give up that and your individuality is not a group worth joining.
Not to mention that the people in that group are not worth being associated with.
Now some might call this antisocial behavior, but I would submit to you that in the new information age, those people that do not blog and are not on social networks are the true individuals, and the people you really should be following.
Why you ask? Because they stand for something and they stand their ground, they don't go for the perspective based thinking, or the line of BS that somehow everyone is right, everyone is a winner, and everyone gets a certificate as they chant; "kumbya.
" There is a country song that is quite famous and one of the lyrics is; "you have to stand for something or you'll fall for anything, you have to be your own man, not a puppet on a string.
"I hope you will consider this philosophical wisdom.
And I hope you will stand your ground and tall with integrity.
If you belong to any social networks you will notice that if you do not agree with people they will no longer be your friend or sign up for your tweeter alerts.
But I ask you are those really the types of friends you want? Groucho Marx used to say; "Why Would I Join a Group That Would Have Me As a Member?" Meaning if you have to give up yourself and what you "stand for" to be a member of a group then you have given up yourself, and any group that would make you give up that and your individuality is not a group worth joining.
Not to mention that the people in that group are not worth being associated with.
Now some might call this antisocial behavior, but I would submit to you that in the new information age, those people that do not blog and are not on social networks are the true individuals, and the people you really should be following.
Why you ask? Because they stand for something and they stand their ground, they don't go for the perspective based thinking, or the line of BS that somehow everyone is right, everyone is a winner, and everyone gets a certificate as they chant; "kumbya.
" There is a country song that is quite famous and one of the lyrics is; "you have to stand for something or you'll fall for anything, you have to be your own man, not a puppet on a string.
"I hope you will consider this philosophical wisdom.
And I hope you will stand your ground and tall with integrity.