Your Go-To Guide For January Events in Phoenix
This list of festivals and events in the Phoenix area is continued from the previous page. Looking for big name concerts, shows or theatre? Check this calendar for January performances.
First Day Hikes
Many Arizona State Parks host hikes to celebrate the new year outside in a healthy activity.
In 2015: January 1
First Friday
Visit more than 60 downtown Phoenix art galleries, studios and art spaces. Free. See the video.
In 2016: first Friday in January
First Saturdays for Families
Families with kids ages 4 – 12 are invited to the ASU Art Museum to participate in artistic projects. Free drop-in program. Tempe.
In 2016: first Saturday in January
Fitness in the District
Certified instructors will lead one-hour classes to DJ beats, while fitness motivators work the group and assist attendees with moves. Free, bring your own mat. All ages. Refreshments and giveaways (while supplies last). WaterDance Plaza at Westgate Entertainment District, Glendale.
In 2015: Tuesday evenings, January 6 - February 24
Flagg Gem and Mineral Show
Rocks, minerals, geology, and science. Activities for children. Mesa Community College. Free admission.
In 2015: January 9-11
Friday Night Drags
Local bring their own vehicles and race at Wildhorse Pass Motorsports Park, Chandler. Drivers and spectators welcome.
In 2015: January 2, 9, 16, 23
Friday Night Franks
A unique outdoor cookout experience in the Sonoran desert. Live entertainment, Native American storytelling, horseshoes, wagon rides, and an old fashioned wiener roast featuring a full BBQ menu. Free admission, charge for food and beverages.
In 2015: every Friday night in January
Gilbert Art Walk
Local artists set up booths to display their work. Community booths and children's activities. Free admission. Downtown Gilbert.
In 2015: January 3, 17, 31
Glendale Chocolate Affaire
A festival of chocolate in downtown Glendale. Gourmet cuisine and beverages, horsedrawn carriage rides, national entertainment and tours of Cerreta Candy Company. Free admission.
In 2015: January 30, 31
Gold Canyon Arts Festival
More than 100 artists will participate. Musical entertainment and food booths. Free admission. Gold Canyon United Methodist Church, 6640 S. King’s Ranch Road, Gold Canyon
In 2015: January 24
Gooding & Company Car Auction
View rare and classic vehicles that will be auctioned on the final day of the event. Held adjacent to Scottsdale Fashion Square.
In 2015: January 14 - 17
Great Arizona Dog Show
AKC dog clubs in West and Northwest Valley, Kachina Kennel Club and Arrowhead Kennel Club. Includes all breed conformation, junior showmanship, and obedience/rally and agility competitions. Dog show tours, meet the breed, and educational opportunities for adults and children. Dog care, grooming vendors. Camelback-Ranch Stadium, Glendale.
In 2015: January 9 - 11
Holiday Lights
There are some places in the area where you can continue to enjoy holiday lights in January.
In 2015: Various dates in January
I Recycle Phoenix Fest
Bring electronics, paper for shredding, bulbs, batteries, cell phones, books, toys. Christown Spectrum Mall, Phoenix.
In 2015: January 3
Ikebana Exhibit
A display of Ikebana flower arrangements will be exhibited throughout the garden designed by Ikebana enthusiasts and talented artists. Japanese Friendship Garden, Phoenix.
In 2015: January 29 - February 2
Litchfield Park Arts in the Park
Outdoor concert at the Wigwam Resort front lawn. Free.
In 2015: January 18
MACFest (Mesa Arts and Crafts Festival) is a free family-friendly event featuring artist creations, music and entertainment. Downtown Mesa on North Macdonald, from Main St. to Pepper Pl.
In 2015: January 3, 10
Maricopa County Home and Garden Show
Hundreds of exhibitors. Seminars, demonstrations, and displays at the Arizona State Fairgrounds.
In 2015: January 16, 17, 18
Martin Luther King Day Celebrations
Festivals and events around the greater Phoenix area celebrating the life and ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
In 2015: Various dates in January (not yet updated)
Meet Me Downtown
A casual, social self-guided 3.3 mile walk around downtown Phoenix. Evening, rain or shine. Free. Starts at CityScape, Downtown Phoenix.
In 2015: Every Monday in January
Mesa Historic Home Tour
Each year the Mesa Historical Museum Guild and the Mesa Historic Preservation Office sponsors a historic home tour. All proceeds benefit the Mesa Historical Museum.
In 2015: January 24
Military Vehicle Show
Display of jeeps from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, along with troop carriers and armored cars. These historic vehicles will be judged for originality, military significance, and quality of restoration with awards presented Saturday afternoon. Swap meet of armed service collectibles on both days. Metrocenter Mall (near Castles 'n' Coasters).
In 2015: January 24, 25
Motorcycles on Main
The streets of downtown Mesa are closed to all but bikers and people who love motorcycles. Music, food, beer garden. Free admission.
In 2015: first Friday of the month
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